the G20 must encourage “Russia to enter into a logic of de-escalation”, according to the Elysée

by time news

As you note, the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, located in southern Ukraine, has been occupied since the beginning of March by Russian troops, but its operation remains ensured by the Ukrainian teams working there.

Although it is still located in one of the territories occupied by Russia, this strategic site, which has been hit on numerous occasions in recent months, is not far from the demarcation line between the territories controlled by kyiv and those occupied by Moscow.

While Russia and Ukraine accuse each other of being responsible for these bombings, the International Atomic Energy Agency (AEIA) launched, several weeks ago, discussions aimed at allow the creation of a secure zone around the plant, demanded in particular by Ukraine, the UN Secretary General and European states.

But, at this stage, the negotiations are “very complicated”declared Thursday to Agence France-Presse the Director General of the AEIA, Rafael Grossi, recalling that the two countries at war do not “don’t negotiate with each other”but through the UN agency.

Among the difficulties mentioned, Mr. Grossi also underlined the fact that his interlocutors are not only diplomats but also soldiers from the two countries. “This makes negotiations very sensitive when it comes to the radius [de protection autour de la centrale]or when we talk about defining what military equipment would be authorized or prohibited [à l’intérieur] »he pointed out.

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