François Braun: “We don’t sort children in the hospital”

by time news

Faced with the explosion of cases of bronchiolitis in France, François Braun, the Minister of Health launched the Orsan plan (organization of the response of the health system in exceptional health situations), Wednesday, November 9. “The situation is very worrying,” he told Parisian – Today in France.

He explains that he wants to “give additional means of coordination at the regional level, and also the possibility for hospitals to unite all their forces on the subject to overcome this ordeal”. Mainly in the most affected regions, namely Île-de-France, Hauts-de-France and Grand Est.

Once again, this crisis highlights the situation of paediatrics, which has been suffering for several years. François Braun doesn’t even hide it: “It’s one of the specialties that has been the most abused over the past ten years,” he admits bluntly.

“I will not let it be said that we decide who we let live or die”

“But there are still solutions, insists the Minister, in particular thanks to the fourth year of study in general medicine which will better train students in pediatrics. And I’m going to work with all the professionals next week to prepare the groundwork for paediatrics: the diagnosis is known, we now have to find concrete solutions together. »

In the meantime, on the ground, the professionals are exasperated. Like Julie Starck, intensive care pediatrician at Trousseau Hospital in Paris. Thursday on RTL, she testified to an untenable situation, going so far as to say that her service “is obliged to sort our children”. Questioned the same day, François Braun sees red: “I am shocked by this formula, it is inadmissible”. “I in no way deny the difficulties generated by this episode, exceptional in its magnitude, of bronchiolitis, but I cannot accept such comments which distort reality. I do not forbid myself an investigation. And if ever such deviant practices were proven, conclusions would be drawn, ”he threatens.

And to put the dots on the i: “I will not let it be said that we decide who we let live or die. Let’s be very clear, we do not sort children in the hospital and our caregivers are admirable in their commitment.

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