The diplomatic staff of the Israeli Embassy in Berlin held a special meeting to mark the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht

by time news

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On the occasion of the 84th anniversary of the Kristallnacht pogrom, the diplomatic staff of the Israeli Embassy in Berlin held a special meeting in the “Europasaal” hall, at the Federal Ministry of Finance. Before the meeting, they conducted a tour of the building under the guidance of the ministry’s historian. Israel’s ambassador to Germany Ron Proshaur said: “The fact that I am standing here today as the son of German Jews and as the ambassador of an independent, free and strong Jewish state is proof of the resilience of the Jewish people and the strength of the State of Israel. From this hall, where 84 years ago the Nazis planted the seeds of hatred, Racism and the destruction of European Jews, I call on all decent people to stand resolutely against any manifestation of anti-Semitism, from the right and the left. This is the moral duty of all of us.”

Anna Brasky
11/11/2022 13:50

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