Be happy the Albert Einstein way: see how

by time news

When we think of our world’s most famous genius, Albert Einstein probably comes to mind. His work in physics has not only won him a Nobel Prize, but has helped humanity as a whole advance its understanding of the world, and of the universe itself.

But even Einstein realized that in order to understand the world and our place in it, we must also first understand ourselves.

What happens inside us has a direct impact on the outside world. In order to be able to make positive changes in it, we must first do it with ourselves, starting with knowing how to be happy.

Einstein’s happiness theory can also help us find the answer to this.

The effect of the theory of relativity

Einstein’s most famous theory, according to the report published by espritsciencemetaphysiques, is the general theory of relativity. This theory made history when he published it in 1915. At that time he made his revolutionary achievement, that the speed of light is constant and that the law of physics always maintains the same form. The theory also became a theory of the law of gravitation.

The basic idea is that the planets fold space and time around themselves. Objects fall to the ground because they are actually falling toward the middle of the ground. Earth pulls spacetime toward itself.

To us today, these statements may seem logical, but without scientific tools, today we must hypothesise, test and understand how the world works. It was revolutionary. These theories eventually provided the basis for the concepts of space and time. We still base our scientific theories today.

A small but important piece of paper

A piece of paper in Einstein’s handwriting that he wrote seven years after his work on the theory of relativity was published. Einstein shared the ideas that could affect our lives, on a paper from the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. But this time his theory was not rooted in complex science and tests.

This time Einstein tried to find a formula for happiness. He didn’t do it to make money or to solve great scientific tests. Because what’s the point of trying to understand a world in which we’re not happy? He only wanted to give that paper to a courier as a tip, promising that one day the matter would be of greater importance.

key to happiness

Einstein was right when he offered the young boy this wonderful advice, but he would never have predicted the value of his words one day.

Writing on the paper was simple and straightforward. Einstein’s words were simple: “A quiet, humble life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success with constant worry.” He also said that happiness will be, his words were humble and simple. There was no lengthy article explaining what happiness is, how it works, and the magic formula for achieving it; Because this goes against the comfort goal that happiness is supposed to achieve.

stop chasing

If we think about it, we will discover that Einstein’s theory of happiness is a lesson that many of us can use today more than ever before. We live in a very fast-paced environment that encourages an “always get more” mentality, so we ignore cues even when our minds and bodies yell at us to stop chasing success or the next thing.

We work at jobs that make us feel trapped, as if we have to work to the point of exhaustion to achieve wealth and success. We set ourselves unrealistic expectations and spend our lives disappointed because we are not yet where we want to be.

happiness according to psychology

An article in Psychology Today explains that happiness is not determined by a single source of joy. You have to allow yourself to be uncomfortable in order to be truly happy. Happiness comes from accepting your genetic makeup, your original family, your environment, and your relationships. In acceptance lies strength. No matter how unfair I received from some people, so did the circumstances. Happiness comes to remind us that even if you can’t control what happened to you, you have complete personal control over what you can do with what happened to you.

Einstein suggested that a quiet and modest life brings more happiness. In calm and humility there is healing, acceptance, full awareness and gratitude, and it is the influence of these factors that creates true happiness.

Frank T. Andrew, professor of psychology, explains, “We work very hard to achieve a goal, anticipating the happiness that goal will bring us. Unfortunately, after a short correction we quickly return to our usual lifestyle, and start looking for the next thing that we think will almost certainly make us happy in the end.”

Money does not buy happiness

It is a sign that you stop living for the next moment, that you are making the most of your moment. Look around and you will notice all the blessings you have already received today. Only then can you truly enjoy all the blessings that will come to you tomorrow. No matter how much money you make, you’ll learn from where you don’t know that it won’t be enough on its own.

Ironically, Einstein would not have predicted what would happen to his manuscript. Now known as “Einstein’s theory of happiness,” the small handwritten note on October 24, 2017, sold for $1.56 million at an auction in Jerusalem.

Some might say its price goes against its purpose, others might say it’s a testament to the rewards that simplicity, calmness, and humility will ultimately pay.

Take a moment of gratitude

Do you want to be happy? Really happy? Who does not wish that? Well, the answer to the question is much simpler than we think. Everything comes from within. You already have everything you need to be happy. Start by counting your blessings.

According to research in positive psychology, gratitude is strongly and systematically linked to greater happiness. In fact, gratitude helps people realize the positive feelings they already have, take full advantage of their good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

Start with this exercise, close your eyes, feel the ground under your feet, thank the earth for supporting you, thank your body for giving you life, thank yourself for getting this far, thank your loved ones for their support, and thank the universe for your place in it.

Sonia Lyubomirsky, co-author of the Happiness Study, explains: “When people are happy we see them tend to feel confident, optimistic and energetic, and others find them kinder and more sociable. So happy people can benefit from these insights.” You can be happier. Here you are talking about your affairs. In the words of Einstein, you just need to be more calm and humble.

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