a conference at the University of Pavia- time.news

by time news

On November 10, experts confronted on issues related to the virus. With a focus on teenagers and the pandemic. Pediatrician Marseglia: «Young people face a hole linked to lockdown that will have to be filled “

When the pandemic arrived, we immediately perceived that the world as we had known it until then would change. Two and a half years later, those changes are before our eyes. What lesson has Covid taught us, what problems it has left us and what awaits us in the future: these are some of the questions at the center of the conference to be held on Thursday 10 November at the University of Paviatitled Towards a new everyday life: the lesson of Covidan event realized with the unconditional contribution of Dompé, in which professionals who have fought the virus on the front line will intervene (coordinates Simona Ravizza of the «Corriere»).

“The conference was born from our experience with Covid – explains to the” Corriere “Gian Luigi Marseglia, full professor of Pediatrics, director of the Pediatric Clinic and School of Specialization in Pediatrics of the University of Pavia -, who taught a certain civic education not only to doctors, but to the whole population ”. The virus has left many problems behind: “Younger people have to face a cultural and scholastic gap caused by the lockdown
, which will have to be filled. And then there are two other aspects, from the pediatric point of view, on which Covid has influenced: denatality and the increase of some physical problems, such as childhood obesity “.

Also for the purpose of raising awareness, a brief behavioral handbook will be presented at the conference in line with the rules of the new government. Marseglia adds: «In Pavia we had case number one, we were in the front row against Covid, and we want to emphasize that the pandemic is not yet over, and to reflect on the other problems that may exist, always in the infectious disease field, and on the problems born as a consequence of the virus. And finally on the return to normality ».

“The conference wants to take stock of Covid, with also a social reflection – says Alessandro Venturi, president of the Irccs Polyclinic San Matteo di Pavia Foundation -. It is necessary to encourage responsible behavior because we have learned that otherwise we intervene with restrictive measures which, however, have negative consequences on society and in particular on children, who have been isolated from social life and from school ». Gap to be recovered because “it can have more devastating effects than the entire pandemic”. It is about the future of the country: “If we do not intervene, we risk creating a hole in our society that will last decades, also in terms of social disintegration”.

Among the themes of November 10, that of the birth rate will be treated by Fabio Mosca, full professor of Pediatrics (University of Milan), director of Uoc of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, Irccs Ca ‘Granda Foundation Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico – Mangiagalli Clinic in Milan. “Among the various topics, I will talk about how denatality worsened after the virus: uncertainty, fear, economic difficulties are driver that keep away from the idea of ​​having children. The number of women of childbearing age has dropped markedly – continues Moscow -: from 2008 to 2020 we lost 1 million and 300 thousand. There are so fewer women who have the potential to have children. And these make few: the average for the Italian woman is 1.17 children each and in 2022 385-90 thousand births are expected ”. Moscow concludes: «We will also analyze the current situation, the result of 48 million vaccinated against Covid. Last November 3 87 people died and there were 38,996 new cases: the problem is there, it is under control, but let’s not get used to the deaths from Covid ».

Fausto Baldanti, director of Uoc of Microbiology and Virology, Irccs Foundation Policlinico San Matteo (Pavia) and director of the School of Specialization in Microbiology and Virology in Pavia, will speak on the topic Covid, this unknown: «I will deal with what little is known about the virus, that is the genetic evolution, the variants and the immunological response towards the different variants. And what can we expect in the future ». And then: “Let’s not forget that the virus will never go away, who emerged in the population and came to stay, unlike his other relatives. It was a major event in the history of humanity ”.

Finally Davide Polimeni, chief business unit officer, primary & specialty care at Dompé, explains the support given to the conference: “As a pharmaceutical company we feel the responsibility of promote a high-profile scientific debate within the community and of the population “.

November 7, 2022 (change November 7, 2022 | 11:36)

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