“Superdividends”: the presidential majority is considering a plan B

by time news

Posted Nov 10, 2022, 6:20 PMUpdated on Nov. 10, 2022, 8:08 p.m.

The leader of the deputies of the Modem repeats it, he wishes to “move the lines”. Jean-Paul Mattei, whose amendment providing for the taxation of “superdividends” was adopted against the government’s opinion during the first reading of the finance bill but was not retained after recourse to article 49.3, continues to plead for a “global reflection for a better equity between the taxation of work and the taxation of capital”.

If he himself recognizes that this amendment was far from constituting a “great tax evening”, but wanted to be, “in the period, a signal”, the president of the Modem group in the Assembly is looking for a way out for, despite everything, to change things. This, in a context where the subject, in the majority, remains sensitive.

Social partners

The Renaissance presidential party has also entrusted a mission to Pascal Canfin, MEP and Deputy Secretary General of the party, on the theme of sharing value. Objective: find solutions acceptable to everyone in the short term and make longer-term proposals. The social partners are at the same time engaged in negotiations on this subject.

The Modem deputy from Pyrénées-Atlantiques says he is “satisfied” that “the message has been taken into account” that his group “wanted to convey, which is partly about sharing value, but not only. The contribution of shareholders is a subject on which we must reflect, without breaking everything that has been done,” he explains.

Jean-Paul Mattei explored the trail of the Senate to continue to bring his “superdividend” amendment to life, without finding a majority relay. He recognizes the technical nature of the subject and the need to take a step back, but does not rule out presenting a modified amendment at second reading of the Finance Bill in the Assembly. While ensuring to have heard “the government message” on the “bad signal” that an increase in taxation would send.

Increased participation

What compromise would be possible? The elected Modem evokes a “system where, in the event of superdividends, there would be no additional tax but more profit-sharing and bonuses for employees”. The idea of ​​additional participation paid on an exceptional basis is thus gaining ground. “We must not preempt the negotiation of the social partners but it can be an interesting landing strip on the controversy of super dividends”, estimates a member of the government.

In this negotiation, unions and employers must in particular work on a possible overhaul of the calculation of participation, which could lead to an increase in the share paid to employees in the event of very high results for the company. But they do not plan to succeed before the end of January, at best. A temporary measure voted as part of the budget could send a signal in this direction, pending a more structural response. Ministers Olivia Grégoire, Bruno Le Maire and Olivier Dussopt are notably in charge.

Expertise technique

“A consensus is emerging in the majority on the principle of a temporary “super participation”, and the measure is in the process of being technically appraised, in order to be ready for the second reading of the PLF, explains a source within the executive. Knowing that it is necessary to avoid touching the formula for calculating the participation, because that would imply modifying the Labor Code. »

The Ministry of the Economy which, since the Pacte law of 2019, pushes companies and in particular SMEs to set up profit-sharing and profit-sharing agreements, puts this project back in its priorities for 2023. Bruno Le Maire has affirmed, Wednesday, during a meeting with deputies of the majority members of the committees of Finance and Economic Affairs.

Success of the Macron bonus

For the record, today, profit-sharing is only compulsory for groups of more than 50 employees. Its mechanism is still considered too complex and restrictive by the managers of small businesses. In addition, this tool is partly in competition with the “Macron bonus”, which is more flexible and which, since last summer, has been made permanent and renamed “value sharing bonus”, with a ceiling raised to 6,000 euros.

Despite this risk of cannibalization, Bercy welcomes the success of the bonus, in its new version. A total of 520 million euros were paid to 730,000 employees in two months. “What I see is that it works, so it is always in our interest to perpetuate what works”, declared Bruno Le Maire, Thursday, on France 2.

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