the agenda for Friday 19 November –

by time news
from Ida Bozzi

Among the events of the day the memory of the correspondent of the «Corriere» Maria Grazia Cutuli and the presentation of «The secret orchestra. How the immune system works, from tumors to Covid “by Alberto Mantovani and Monica Florianello, with the same immunologist and Eliana Liotta

Poetry, literature, philosophy, around these thematic areas unfold the afternoon and evening of Friday 19 a BookCity Milan. The afternoon opens with the remembrance of the Corriere envoy to BookCity Milan Maria Grazia Cutuli, killed 20 years ago in Afghanistan: from 2.30pm, at the Corriere della Sera Foundation, in the Buzzati Room, the event Remembering Maria Grazia Cutuli. Afghanistan twenty years later it will bring together meetings, music, screenings and readings dedicated to the new generations, to the right to study, to free thought. After Paolo Lepri’s video memory, Paolo Giordano and Lawrence Wright (moderated by Marilisa Palumbo), Mario Cutuli in dialogue with Simonetta Gola, Eleonora Selmi, Marco Puntin (in connection from Kabul; coordinated by Marta Serafini), Edoardo Albinati with Emma Bonino ( in connection) and Filippo Grandi (in connection; coordinated by Paolo Valentino), the minister Marta Cartabia with Lorenzo Cremonesi (coordinated by Alessandra Coppola). We will continue with the reading from The sky of the last by Maria Grazia Cutuli with Cinzia Spanò, and with dialogue Merigration with Barbara Stefanelli and Carlo Verdelli. They close the video testimony Seek the truth by Javier Cercas, the debate The boys (Afghans) have big dreams with Francesco Casolo and Alì Ehsani. The meeting will also be an opportunity to confer the Maria Grazia Cutuli Award to Patrick Zaki: Piergaetano Marchetti will deliver it to Zaki’s friend, Rafael Garrido and to teacher Rita Monticelli.

In the afternoon, all 16 at Palazzo Moriggia – Museo del Risorgimento, there is talk of Tangentopoli: at the presentation of the book Tangentopoli for those who weren’t there (Nutrimenti), by Mario Cosani, with Piero Colaprico, Vinicio Nardo, president of the Milan Bar Association, Giuliano Pisapia, European deputy former mayor of Milan, and Maurizio Romanelli deputy prosecutor, head of the Milan anti-corruption pool.

All 17, at the Humanitarian Society, in the Salone degli Affreschi, the appointment with Poetry and the city, the poetic event that this year is called Porta Poetry – Carlo, the heretic to celebrate the bicentenary of the death of Carlo Porta: with Cristina Battocletti, Stefano Jacini, Vivian Lamarque, Giuseppina Manin, Anna Nogara, Mauro Novelli and Riccardo Peroni.

Moving around every 5.30 p.m. at the Sormani Library, in the Sala del Grechetto, we talk about Eco, with the intervention of Piergaetano Marchetti, president of the Milan BookCity Committee: Roberto Cotroneo and Anna Maria Lorusso present the book Umberto Eco’s philosophy (event organized in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo).

All 18, two meetings in two different rooms of the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci: at the Auditorium, Aldo Cazzullo proposes the lectio Purgatory: the place where we will all go and presents his book The place of men. Dante in Purgatorio where we will all go (Mondadori); and in the Biancamano Room, Carlo Verdelli and Enrico Giaretta present, together with the author, Many eagles I have seen in flight. Extraordinary Lives of Pilots by Filippo Nassetti (Baldini + Castoldi).

Immune system and health in the meeting of 18.30 at the Castello Sforzesco, in the Sala Viscontea: Alberto Mantovani and Eliana Liotta present the book The secret orchestra. How the immune system works, from tumors to COVID, co-written by Alberto Mantovani and Monica Florianello (La Nave di Teseo). Another topical issue, but in economics, the event at 18.30 at the Italian Stock Exchange, in the Yellow Room: Ferruccio de Bortoli talk to the author of the book The liberal illusion. Critique of market ideology, by Andrea Boitani (The third).

To the yellow of Carlo Lucarelli the meeting of the 19 at the Hall of Honor of the Triennale: the writer presents his book with Roberta Scorranese Léon (Einaudi), the new adventure of his investigator Grazia Negro.

The evening ends with a tribute to the philosopher Salvatore Veca, died in October: at 20.30Carlo Feltrinelli, Piergaetano Marchetti, Massimiliano Tarantino, Antonella Besussi, David Bidussa, Enrica Chiappero Martinetti, Nuccio Order and Michele Salvati will talk about it at the Feltrinelli Foundation.

November 19, 2021 (change November 19, 2021 | 12:57)

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