Tnuva is the big winner of the epic awards ceremony

by time news

Tnuva is the big winner of the effective marketing competition, Effie. The company introduced the leading move of the year with the Barista Alternative series (an oat drink that replaces milk), and won it the Grand Epic and the Gold Award in the beverage category.

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The most prestigious award, Epi Platinum, which praises marketing achievements over 3-5 years in a row, was also given to Tnuva – and this for the move that dealt with vegetable protein under the title “From Israel’s dairy company to an alternative protein powerhouse: Tnuva presents a new world of growth”.

In fact, the food company, which until today specialized in milk products and drinks, won the two most important awards for moves in which it promoted its alternative protein products. The moves were made through the Makan Tel Aviv group.

The epic ceremony was held this evening (Sun.) led by the Marketing Association, the Advertising Association and the Israel Center for Management, with the participation of hundreds of people, including CEOs and VPs of Marketing of the leading companies in the economy alongside senior executives from the advertising world.

The moves that made it to the finals in the platinum category were judged by CEOs of the leading companies in the economy, led by Giura Bar Dea, outgoing president and CEO of Strauss and chairman of the competition. The silver prize in the category went to the credit company max with the move “from forced rebranding to business success”, led by a group From Cannes, the bronze award in the category was won by Schrig Electric and the Mench advertising agency, with the move “You’re either a real ninja or you’re some kind of liar.”

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Among the gold winners this year, Bank Mizrahi Tefahot and the advertising agency Reuveni Friedan IPG stood out in the finance category, with the move “to move forward and stay (with) a human being” – which refers to an era in which many banks choose to use digital means and bots at the expense of the human relationship.

At the same time, the competition emphasized digital innovation, and the Max company won the gold award in the “media innovation” category with the move “Reut Takhni Itai”.

In addition, the companies’ reference to Israel’s current reality stood out. In the category of marketing in an era of crisis, Leumi Group and McCann Tel Aviv won gold with the move: “Reality is knocking at the door”.

Kimberly Clark and McCann won gold in the electrical, electronics and home goods category with the move “Nicole’s Familyism”, and another gold win in this category belongs to Kalil and McCann with the move “The Power of a Window”.

In the retail category, Opticana and the advertising agency Reuveni Friedan IPG won gold with the move “multiple success”. Another gold win in the category belongs to Delta and the advertising agency Adler Chomsky & Varshavsky GRAY, with the move: “How we got the Israelis into the SOFTY ZONE”.

In the communication and media category, Partner and McCann won gold with the move “Good morning, Bezeq”. Another gold in the category belongs to yes and Adler Chomsky & Varshavsky GRAY, with the “yes+ 2.0” move.

21 categories

The epic competition takes place in more than 50 countries, including Israel, and is a recognition of successful and effective marketing moves. This year the competition is being held in Israel for the 21st time.

The judging team appointed about 70 judges – including marketing managers, advertisers, PR people and academics – who examined marketing moves that took place during 2022, and their results. 53 moves reached the finals, competing in 21 categories – including food, beverages, finance, retail , real estate and infrastructure, automobile and transportation, digital products and more.

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