100,000 glasses for social projects – wien.ORF.at

by time news

Drawers, jacket pockets or a dusty case somewhere in the apartment: old glasses are easily forgotten or left lying around somewhere. But you can also breathe new life into them by giving them to people in Africa, Asia and Latin America who don’t have the money to buy glasses for themselves.

glasses donations

Apostolate for the Blind Vienna, by post Stephansplatz 6/1/6/636, 1010, in person Mon to Thurs from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fri 8.30 a.m. to 2 p.m., or in “Quo vadis?”, Stephansplatz 6, Zwettlerhof, 1010, Mon to Fri, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m

Whole parishes, school classes, companies, associations and opticians collect glasses or call for donations again and again. Often 100 pairs of glasses come together with a single action. But individuals can also pass on their glasses, either by post or in person from Monday to Friday directly at the Vienna Apostolate for the Blind. During the week you can also take your glasses to the “Quo vadis” meeting center on Stephansplatz.

“We humans love to see”

Once a year the glasses are brought to France. Another transport has been sent on its way these days. In the French city of Hirsingue, the glasses are cleaned and their vision is measured. Then they are sent from France to countries in Asia, Africa and South America, where they are distributed to the visually impaired.

Archdiocese of Vienna/Stephan Schönlaub

fltrAlma-Maria Becker-Seifert from the Quo vadis?, Auxiliary Bishop Franz Scharl and Leo Führer, co-workers in the apostolate for the blind

The apostolate for the blind is part of the categorical pastoral care, whose director, Auxiliary Bishop Franz Scharl, blessed the team before they left: “We humans love to see and be seen. Seeing creates reputation. When people can help other people with this, that’s wonderful.”

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