The second room of the Truffaut opens on Friday with “Tori and Lokita”

by time news

That a cinema is in the news not because of its closure, but because it multiplies the offer, is so uncommon these days that it can only be categorized as exceptional. And for this reason, even if it is a year late, it must be greeted with satisfaction that from Friday the Truffaut will be able to have its second room. The premiere will take place with the film “Tori and Lokita”, the last work of the Dardenne brothers, which received the Special 75th Anniversary Award at the Cannes Film Festival. “This is a municipal cinema with an original version with a vocation of public service and which we strengthen as equipment for the city of Girona. Through this second room, the Modern will open to the city, to entities, schools and activities that are promoted”, assured the vice-mayor and Councilor for Culture of the City Council, Quim Ayats.

The opening of this long-awaited room 2 of the Truffaut comes, moreover, the day after the celebration of the room’s 22nd anniversary. That’s why the night before, this Thursday 17th at 9pm, there will be a free screening of “La nit americana”, a film directed by François Truffaut and starring Jacqueline Bisset and Truffaut himself, and which is precisely set in a film shoot. Entry is free, until capacity is exhausted, with no prior reservation required. In addition, on the same day 17 there will be an open day of room 2 for all spectators attending the anniversary. Several trailers of the upcoming premieres that will be seen there will be shown in a continuous session.

The second room at the Truffaut will make it possible to further diversify the contents and programming of the cinema. Titles that had no place until now due to having only one room will be premiered there, it will allow for improved continuity in the programming of the titles premiered in room 1 and it will host special activities and content that complement the cinema’s offer. In addition, it will be equipped with the latest technology to project live content through streaming.

These days, for example, Rodrigo Sorogoyen’s “As beasts” is being screened with great success in the main room of the Truffaut, which will be able to continue with its commercial career without putting a cap on the arrival of new titles in the billboard, now that a second room will be available to play. “La maternal”, by Pilar Palomero, is another title that will be released shortly.

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