Bellocchio’s fiction “cannot respect historical truth”

by time news – “Either we decide that we are historical figures, and then we respect history, or we decide that we are private figures, and then we leave ourselves alone.“. The eldest daughter of Aldo Moro, Maria Fidaentrusts his outburst to this reflection on the day of the television premiere of the film Marco Bellocchio ‘Esterno Notte’, broadcast this evening on Rai1 and broadcast on the big screen on some event nights in the summer.

Already during the recording of the fiction and, later, on the occasion of its release in theaters, Maria Fida Moro had publicly spoken out against a televised narrative which, in his judgment, cannot reflect historical truth.

© Mimmo Frassineti / AGF

Maria Fida Moro

Today he returns to talk to the about the reasons for his pain. “The week before Christmas I will turn 76 and after having had my childhood, youth and adulthood ruined by the evil Moro case, I stupidly imagined I could sit on a bench in the sun, have tea with friends, read a good book. But it’s not like that at all, I must have been seven years old when a dark danger and a monstrous pain crept into my life and never left – explains the daughter of the president of DC, referring to a threatening situation impending which, in his memories, has always haunted the Moro family.

“My son and I live, hidden in plain sight, with the intercom, bell and telephone off”, explained Maria Fida Moro, “but every day a wave of tsunami reaches us anyway. I don’t expect others – who haven’t tried – to understand, but in spite of experience I’ve continued to hope so” he adds quoting his son Luca, the nephew to whom Aldo Moro addressed in his letters written during the 55 days of captivity.

Bellocchio defends fiction: less ideological than ‘Buongiorno Notte’

“As a teenager I was, with the scouts, at a mobile camp in the Dolomites and I wrote a little prophetic poem just for myself – he still remembers – ‘The leaves babble songs of joy to the clouds, I am almost asleep, in the sun, the shadow behind shoulders’. At that time I could have imagined that the shadow would never reach me and would remain in the background, but instead it overwhelmed me and carried away destroying every smile and every joy, throwing me who knows where to the edge of the cosmos. sun like a small light in the night to act as a shore to the darkness”.

moro daughter vs movie respect story

© Mimmo Frassineti / AGF

Maria Fida Moro

“It is already shameful to care less about the pain of others and it is doubly cowardly to use it to do business – concludes the former senator -. In 1963, my father concluded a speech in Florence, I believe: ‘So let the dead bury the dead, we are different, we we want to be different from the tired and rare supporters of an outdated world'”.

Interviewed by the, Rai and director Marco Bellocchio preferred not to comment. The latter, last summer, had explained that “the film is much less ideological than ‘Buongiorno Notte’ because more time has passed”. “I’m sorry if there are those who interpreted it as if there was a doggedness on the tragic memories of those years”, he added.

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