Mother subjected 9-year-old daughter to painful plastic surgery to make her beautiful! | Mother Eye Surgery | Beautiful | Beauty Tips

by time news

People’s perception of beauty is never going to change. Most people value beauty more than personality. Many celebrities have enhanced their beauty through plastic surgery. There are many people today who have undergone plastic surgery to change the way they want, such as lengthening the nose, increasing the cheekbones, and enlarging the lips. Mostly adults are subjected to it. Children under the age of 18 are generally prohibited from this. Because there are some risks involved. But a Japanese mother has her 9-year-old daughter undergo plastic surgery.

Japan is one of the countries with the highest number of plastic surgeries in the world. Studies have even come out that Japanese women are pressured by family and friends to get plastic surgery. Unfortunately, children face the same pressure and undergo plastic surgery, like nine-year-old Mitchie.

Ruchi is Michi’s mother. They upload videos about makeup and plastic surgery on YouTube. She talks about the insecurity she felt as a child due to the lack of double eyelids, which is why her daughter underwent double eyelid surgery at such a young age, says Ruchi.

In Asian countries, double eyelids are considered to be an important part of beauty. Ruchi said that because she did not have double eyelids, she did not feel as beautiful as her younger sister. So, he had this concern about his daughter as well. They say Mitchie’s eyes are very narrow and seem to ‘stare at people’. Michi was ready to fulfill his mother’s wish. Talking about the painful and complicated plastic surgery, the 9-year-old said, “If you can bear the pain of plastic surgery, I think it makes you beautiful.”

Ruchi continued again, his mother’s and sister’s eyes were beautiful. She didn’t have double eyelids and no one in the neighborhood called her beautiful. Everyone thought my younger sister was prettier than me. The women in the neighborhood called her sister cute and gave her sweets. I was never told anything like that, a girl needs double eyelids. Ruchi said that I have never seen a girl with monolid looking beautiful. At the age of eighteen, Ruchi underwent surgery for double eyelids, which he wished had happened earlier. That’s why Mitchie’s surgery was done early.

Ruchi said her main concern was that she should not have a complex about her eyelids. Ruchi added that the anesthesia failed and the surgery took about two hours. Such surgery is legal in Japan and minors can have plastic surgery with parental consent. Japan is the fourth country in the world with one million people who want to go through plastic surgery. But child psychologist Professor Tomohiro Suzuki has warned against subjecting children to such surgery.

Content Summary : Mother urges daughter 9 to undergo eye surgery to look beautiful

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