TPMP: “Lies”, “amazing”… The Insoumis react to the words of Hanouna

by time news

The anger still does not subside. Neither one side nor the other. Four days after the insults uttered by Cyril Hanouna against the deputy Louis Boyard on the Touche plateau not at my post, where the latter was invited, several figures of the Insoumis reacted to the sequence – also widely commented on C8 during a “special broadcast” this Monday.

“We don’t talk like that to a deputy”, launched Jean-Luc Mélenchon this Monday evening during a meeting, organized in Clermont-Ferrand to launch the campaign against the high cost of living in rebellious France. For the former presidential candidate, the flagship host of C8 showed himself “uncovered”. “He insults him, he is almost threatening him, but what is incredible is what follows: (…) there is no comment” or to say “ the rebels have fallen into their trap. In other words, it’s our fault,” he said. But he refused to “throw the stone like everyone else” at Cyril Hanouna, who, according to him, simply has “not the good manners of others”. “Can you imagine that it was Louis who spoke like that: what would not have been said of the Insoumis”, he wondered.

On Twitter, Manuel Bompard was a little more critical. Commenting on the “special” program of TPMP this Monday evening, he considered that it was “an hour of debate to defend soldier Hanouna” with, “on the program: lies, total absence of contradiction, defamation “.

This Tuesday morning, he spoke again on the subject on the set of RMC / BFMTV. “It’s not a clash, not reciprocal insults”, reminded the LFI deputy. “You had an LFI deputy (…) who was wrong to criticize the activities of Vincent Bolloré in Africa and Hanouna completely lost his means and began to insult Louis Boyard”, he summarized. “It is unacceptable that an elected official of the Republic, whatever his label, be insulted on a TV set”, continued the elected official, who also protested against Cyril Hanouna’s argument reproaching Louis Boyard to have himself been paid by Vincent Bolloré for his appearances on the show in 2021. “As if that should prevent him from criticizing the boss! It is a political vision in which I will never recognize myself, ”swept Manuel Bompard.

He also reiterated that France Insoumise would take advantage of the parliamentary niche of November 24 to table “a proposal for an anti-concentration law in the media, so that there is no longer a monopoly situation. So that all the media are not owned by a small minority, ”pleaded the elected official.

“Real Racism”

In addition to the muscular exchange with Louis Boyard, Cyril Hanouna and his team returned to the origin of the dispute with the deputy: a debate, during the program last Thursday, on the Ocean Viking and the reception of migrants in France. It was during this sequence that the young rebellious elected official had judged that TPMP was “raising racism” and playing the game of Éric Zemmour.

On Monday evening, the show’s columnists again broached the subject. “Is real racism not shaking hands with a member of the National Rally? asked Géraldine Maillet, referring to the fact that Louis Boyard had refused, at the end of June, to shake hands with RN deputy Philippe Ballard. “For me, that’s real racism,” said the presenter of C8. An extract that LFI Carlos Martens Bilongo considered “incredible” and “amazing”. “Freewheeling,” he commented on Twitter.

However, all the elected Insoumis have not yet reacted to the sequence. Some have remained particularly silent, especially on Twitter. This is the case of Raquel Garrido, who was a columnist for the C8 Balance show your post! A lack of reaction pointed out by the presenter of TPMP himself Monday evening. “They (the rebels) are going to be in a thing where what do we do, Cyril has always been close to Jean-Luc (Mélenchon) “, he thinks he knows.

Last Thursday, Cyril Hanouna insulted Louis Boyard as a “moron”, a “nut” and a “buffoon” and asked him to “shut up”, after the Insoumis deputy denounced “the five richest people ( …) which impoverish France and Africa”, including “Bolloré”. However, Vincent Bolloré is the boss of the Canal group, which notably owns the C8 channel.

On the judicial level, both announced on Monday that they would file a complaint. Louis Boyard, for the insults he received. Cyril Hanouna for what he considers to be defamation.

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