Did you know that recovery care after corona is still reimbursed?

by time news

Although the corona pandemic seems to be behind us, people are still getting infected with the corona virus. do you have corona? Where one comes off with mild complaints, the other can be quite ill. Some people even end up in the hospital. But: which costs are actually reimbursed by you health insurance if you have corona?

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Recovery care after corona

What if you have to recover for a long time after corona? If you still have complaints after three months, this becomes long covid named. The basic cover has been expanded with a broader cover for recovery care. This temporary cover applies until at least 1 August 2023.

You will be reimbursed for the following care after corona:

  • Physiotherapy or remedial therapy: a maximum of 50 treatments
  • Occupational therapy: up to 10 hours
  • Diet advice: maximum 7 hours
  • Speech therapy: the care that is needed

Independer care expert Bas Knopperts: “Do you have serious complaints after corona and do you want to use this reimbursement? Apply for this within six months. The reimbursement for recovery care is a maximum of six months. You can extend this reimbursement by a general practitioner or medical specialist once later by six months. In the case of mild complaints, the care will only be reimbursed with an additional insurance policy.

Who is eligible for compensation?

You will only be reimbursed for recovery care after corona in the following cases:

  • You suffer from very serious complaints or limitations during your recovery.
  • You have received a referral from your medical specialist at the hospital. Have you not been in hospital with corona? Then you need a referral from your GP.
  • You received that referral no later than six months after you developed serious complaints due to corona.
  • You started the treatment within one month of the referral.
  • You want to participate in a study that measures the effect of recovery care. This can of course be done anonymously – your data will only be used for the research. You can read more about the research at zorginstituutnederland.nl.

Reimbursement of other corona costs

Fortunately, most people do not (any longer) become seriously ill from corona. However, there are sometimes measures that everyone has to deal with. Even if they don’t have corona or lung covid.

  • Coronavaccin
    Vaccination against corona started in the Netherlands in January 2021. A vaccination is not mandatory. You do not pay healthcare costs for a corona vaccine. The European Medicine Agency has approved the following vaccines: BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen and Novavax. At this point you can get a booster shot.
  • Over-the-counter medications
    Medication for corona is reimbursed. Think of medication that is used in corona to combat symptoms or prescription drugs. But do you use over-the-counter medicines, such as paracetamol? Then the costs will not be reimbursed.
  • Over-the-counter products
    You may have purchased several over-the-counter products to protect yourself from the virus. For example, face masks, self-tests and antibacterial hand gel. These products are not reimbursed by the health insurer. Since February 2022, municipalities have been allowed to provide free face masks and self-tests to low-income families.

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