Simplified information about space for children

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Simplified information about space for children Many children are fascinated by space, and questions begin to multiply in their minds about what space is and its components, and are we part of this space or are we separated from it, and what are these bright stars in the sky and where did they come from, and the reference site contributes to listing many information about space and what it is In a form suitable for children, to introduce them to the components of outer space and the names of the planets, as well as introducing children to the profession of the astronaut.

What is space?

Space is the void in which galaxies, planets, suns and stars swim, and space is a word that means emptiness or an empty place, and scientists have worked and are still spending great efforts in discovering space and its mysterious secrets for hundreds of years, and space has attracted human attention many centuries ago, and in the past centuries Humans managed to reach the moon, and they were able to send many spacecraft to Mars, and they were also able to discover stars, planets and galaxies very far from Earth, but with all these great achievements, there are still things and secrets that man has not yet been able to reveal, and what he discovered Humans are worth nothing in front of what this vast space hides, and what separates the globe from outer space is the atmosphere that surrounds the globe and it is composed of many layers.[1]

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Simplified information about space for children

Children and young people may think of many questions about space, and about the stars and planets that they see, whether by observing the sky or by watching them on television, so they start asking these questions in order to know what these things are, where they came from, and how they were formed, and in what follows, we will show you Some simplified information about space, suitable for children’s minds and the extent of their comprehension, parents can teach it to their children to increase the amount of culture they have, and through it they can answer some of their questions, and this information is:

  • The galaxy in which the planet Earth and the solar system are located is called the Milky Way.
  • Every body in space that emits light and heat is called a star, and the largest of the stars is the sun from which our planet takes light.
  • Planet Earth is one of the nine planets of the solar system that takes light and heat from the sun.
  • Planet Earth is the fifth largest in the solar system.
  • Neither humans nor spacecraft can settle on Jupiter, because it is a gaseous mass that does not have a solid surface.
  • Humans did not know of the planets of space except the nine planets of the solar system.
  • Scientists have not been able to determine the space occupied by the space surrounding the planets until now.
  • The planets revolve around the suns and stars within specific paths and orbits, from which they derive light and heat.
  • Planet Earth is the only planet that humans can live on, due to the presence of oxygen, water and the atmosphere surrounding it, rather than other planets.
  • Humans managed to reach the surface of the moon, and some astronauts walked on the surface of the moon, and their footprints remain until now.
  • The smallest planet in the solar system is Mercury, which is the closest planet to the sun.
  • Humans cannot live on planet Earth or any other planet without the presence of the sun, air and water.
  • The sun is three hundred times larger than the planet Earth.
  • Venus, the second planet in the solar system, rotates oppositely to the rotation of the other planets around the sun.

See also: How many planets revolve around the sun

space components

We have previously talked about simplified information about space for children, and we will talk about the components of space in what follows. Space consists of dust, gases, nebulae, and many other bodies, such as objects, asteroids, planets, stars, moons, and comets, as well as minerals, light, winds, and radiations, and all of these components swim in the void and walk in paths Specific and specific, and it should be noted the presence of nebulae, which are more like cold and huge clouds, many interactions occur, leading to their explosion, and the birth of new stars that produce light and heat.

See also: What is the name of the nearest star to Earth?

The most important components of outer space

In the following, we will present the most important components of outer space, after we have passed on simplified information about space for children, and the most important components of outer space are:


It is every body and object that revolves around the stars and the sun, and it is dark objects, and it derives light and heat from the sun, and many different and strange planets have been discovered, but so far no planet has been discovered suitable for human life, planet Earth.


They are celestial bodies and rocks that are believed to be remnants of the formation of the solar system, and the largest of these objects observed are formed in the form of a belt that swims in the void between Jupiter and Mars, and these remnants can follow the planets, and revolve around them or in their paths.


They are ice balls moving at speeds that can be high, and humans have linked comets in the past, to the destruction that occurs in the earth or disasters, etc., and some periodic comets were discovered as Haley’s comet, and it was later found that comets are natural phenomena in the solar system.


It is the largest cosmic structure, and it includes stars, planets, asteroids, and comets, some of which are small, and some of them are huge and great, and the galaxy that contains our solar system is the Milky Way, and galaxies can gather in large groups, including millions of planets and stars.


Astronomical bodies that revolve around planets and are affiliated with them can be luminous as they derive light from the sun, and the planet Earth has one moon, while Jupiter follows ten moons, and thousands of moons revolve around the planet Uranus.

See also: Information about the moon

Simplified information about space for children in English

Children and young children may have many questions about space, and about the stars and planets that they see, whether by observing the sky or by watching them on television. Some simplified information about space, suitable for children’s minds and the extent of their comprehension, that parents can teach to their children to increase their cultural quantity, and through which they can answer some of their questions, and this information is:

  • The galaxy in which planet Earth and the solar system are located is called the Milky Way.
  • Every body in space that emits light and heat is called a star, and the largest star is the sun from which our planet takes light.
  • Earth is one of the nine planets in the solar system that takes light and heat from the sun.
  • Planet Earth is the fifth largest in size in the solar system.
  • Neither humans nor spacecraft can settle on Jupiter, because it is a gaseous mass that does not have a solid surface.
  • Only the planets of the nine solar system have been known to mankind.
  • Scientists have not been able to determine the area occupied by the space surrounding the planets until now.
  • The planets revolve around the suns and stars within specific paths and orbits, from which they derive light and heat.
  • Planet Earth is the only planet on which humans can live, due to the presence of oxygen, water, and the atmosphere surrounding it, excluding other planets.
  • Humans managed to reach the surface of the moon, and some astronauts walked on the surface of the moon, and their footprints remained until now.
  • The smallest planet in the solar system is Mercury, which is the closest planet to the sun.
  • Humans cannot live on Earth or any other planet without the presence of the sun, air and water.
  • The sun is three hundred times larger than the earth.
  • Venus, the second planet in the solar system, rotates opposite to the rotation of the other planets around the sun.

Solar Group

Likewise, delving into mentioning simplified information about space for children pushes to talk about the solar system, as the solar system, or what is known as the solar system, consists of the sun and the planets, moons, objects and asteroids revolving around it, as well as meteorites and comets. More than one hundred and fifty moons, and the sun is the largest in size and is located in the center of the solar system, and the sun connects the rest of the components of the solar system with its gravity, and it is responsible for the light and heat that make life possible on planet Earth, and the number of planets in the solar system is eight planets, and they are in order according to their distance from the sun Mercury and Venus, Earth and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and the two planets Jupiter and Saturn are the largest among them, and all the planets revolve around the sun, and scientists believe that the solar system was born more than four billion five hundred million years ago, as a result of a collapse in the gravity of a giant molecular cloud, considered Earth is the third planet in the order of the planets according to its distance from the sun, and it is the only planet in the universe that is known to have life, as its distance is considered suitable for The sun, and the presence of water on it, followed by one moon, and it has a good atmosphere, and the earth has a magnetic cover.[2]

Simplified information about the astronaut for children

After passing through simplified information about space for children, simplified information about the astronaut will be presented to the children. The astronaut is known to be the person who commands the spacecraft that heads towards space, or he is the person who works in space, where he operates spaceships, stations and launch bases. satellites, and his mission is based on conducting engineering, medical and scientific experiments in space, and the astronaut must possess many advantages before being an astronaut, and be physically fit and healthy, and he must have completed more than a thousand hours of flight as a jet pilot before he turns to pilot spacecraft, and introduces a training curriculum of five phases, which are teaching curricula, flight training, survival training, mission training, and some special training.[3]

We presented in this article Simplified information about space for children where we defined outer space, and mentioned its most important components, in a form suitable for the minds of children and the extent of their understanding and assimilation of things, and we hope that you benefit from this article and the information it contains.

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