Employment and disability: “Making life easier at home and at work”

by time news

Laure de la Bretèche recalls first of all that taking disability into account “irrigates the investment strategy of the Caisse des Dépôts group in all areas, transport or housing for example”. As an employer, it has also entered into a new, very proactive agreement in terms of recruitment, job retention, support and disability awareness, with particular attention to invisible disabilities. Finally, it engages in actions vis-à-vis the general public and businesses.

What is the first assessment for My handicap course, launched two years ago?

Developed with the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy, this digital platform aims to be a single entry point for information and services for people with disabilities and their relatives. We proceed by bricks. Those concerning employment, training, education, including higher education, are available. We have reached over 2 million annual online visits.

The next steps will highlight technical aids that make life at home and at work easier. In addition, we are going to address intimate and affective life, sexuality and support for parenthood, in order to meet the demands of the public.

Finally, we are continuing to develop support to simplify administrative procedures. We are streamlining access to the teleservices of the Departmental Centers for People with Disabilities (MDPH) and to the social rights portal.

You also play a role vis-à-vis companies…

The period will be complicated for start-ups, with the slowdown in growth and the drop in investment. In these cases, sectors such as disability are particularly affected. Our objective is that the actors of innovation can continue to carry out their projects. We must simplify their lives so that they can access funding and aid. It is also in the interest of the largest groups who could take advantage of these innovations and accelerate their availability to the general public.

Are you already at the stage of concrete measures?

The year began with a meeting called “Unity is strength”, which we organized between network professionals (Red Cross, APF France handicap, Agefiph, etc.) with group entities (Banque des Territoires and BPI in particular) . It allowed us to launch a “networktail” event, both a speed meeting and a convivial moment, with more than 200 participants. Eleven large companies such as Renault, Air France, Total, La Poste, etc. have “shopped” with start-ups, in digital accessibility, catering or urban mobility. The participants wanted to form a network. The next step is creating a disability-friendly website. It will allow start-ups to make contacts and have access to aid and opportunities, public or private.


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