follow Emmanuel Macron’s speech at the G20 in Bali after the fall of a missile in Poland

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10h47 : Emmanuel Macron speaks at the end of the G20 summit in Bali (Indonesia). You can follow his speech in our live.


10h46 : “Photographs of the wreckage found in Przewodów (Poland), published in the evening, were unambiguously identified by Russian experts of the military-industrial complex as elements of the S-300 anti-aircraft guided missile of the army of Ukrainian air”, says the Russian Defense Ministry, quoted by the Tass agency.

10h44 : Moscow also assures that the closest Russian strike to Poland took place 35 kilometers from the border. The Polish village of Przewodowwhere a missile fell yesterday killing two people, is located six kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

10h41 : #POLAND Russia says missile that killed two in Poland yesterday was fired by an S-300 defense system of the Ukrainian forces.

10h34 : An emergency meeting of NATO ambassadors began at the headquarters of the Atlantic Alliance in Brussels, the day after the fall of a missile near the Ukrainian border in Poland, diplomats announced to AFP. This meeting will be chaired by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who will then hold a press conference at 12:30 p.m.

10h02 : German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warns against any “hasty conclusion” after the murderous fall in Poland of a missile, “most likely Russian-made” according to Warsaw. “In such a serious matter, we must beware of any hasty conclusion on the course of events before a careful investigation”says the manager.

09h38 : Warning sirens sounded this morning in all regions of Ukraine, according to an official anti-aircraft defense application. Russian forces fired “environ” 100 missiles over Ukraine yesterday, hitting critical energy infrastructure in different regions, killing at least one.

09h08 : 9 a.m., let’s take a look at the news of the day:

The Elysée calls for “great caution” on the origin of the missile which fell in Poland, which caused two deaths near the border with Ukraine. Russia denies any missile fire at Poland. For Volodymyr Zelensky, this explosion in Poland is a “message” from Russia to the G20. Follow our live.

Moscow fired “environ” 100 missiles over Ukraine yesterday, hitting several critical energy infrastructures in different regions, and causing at least one death. Yesterday, “there was the biggest attack in the history of the energy sector, which affected all regions of Ukraine”, reacts this morning the Ukrainian energy transport network operator Ukrenergo.

The giant rocket of the Artemis mission successfully lifted off to the Moon this morning. Takeoff took place at 7:47 a.m. (Paris time). The Orion module deploys as planned after the successful launch of the rocket.

Former Republican President Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election last night, strongly criticizing the work of the Biden administration. Joe Biden’s reaction was quick: “Trump has failed America”, reacted the American president since the G20 summit in Bali (Indonesia).

09h19 : According to Ukrainian presidential adviser Kyrylo Tymoshenko, some 90,000 people are still without electricity in the region of Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city. In Lviv, in the west of the country, “the supply of electricity and water has been restored to 95%”, he says on Telegram.

08h56 : Here, “there was the biggest attack in the history of the energy sector, which affected all regions of Ukraine”, reacts this morning the Ukrainian energy transport network operator Ukrenergo on Telegram. “The most difficult situation is in western Ukraine, as well as in the central and northeastern regions.”

09h21 : The fall of a missile in Poland “is nothing more than a message from Russia to the G20 summit”, declares the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, by videoconference, before the leaders of the G20 meeting in Bali. There are “a terrorist state among you, against which we must defend ourselves”he warned.

09h17 : “There will be consultations all day in different settings, we have to wait to find out more.”

The French ambassador to Ukraine, Etienne de Poncins, is the guest of franceinfo this morning. He reacts with caution after the fall of a missile in Poland, six kilometers from the Ukrainian border, which killed two people yesterday.

09h22 : Beijing calls on all actors to “calm”, after the deadly fall in Poland, near the Ukrainian border, of a Russian-made missile, and the placing on alert of the Polish army. “In the current situation, all parties involved must exercise restraint in order to avoid an escalation”said Mao Ning, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

08h37 : Hello, yes, the American president has said that he will make sure so that we can determine what exactly happened” before deciding on a reaction after this missile fell in Poland near the Ukrainian border, which killed two people. According to the leader, “it’s quite unlikely” that this missile was fired from Russia”.

08h37 : Did Joe Biden react to the missile that fell in Poland?

07h27 : We are in a confused context, the first decision taken is to go and see what happened. We will not speculate on the conditions under which this missile arrived in Poland and its origin. (…) We will only decide once we have gone to the end of the investigation”, continues the Elysée.

07h38 : Emmanuel Macron spoke with the Polish Prime Minister and must discuss with President Andrzej Duda in the morning, France Télévisions learned from the Elysée. “You have to look at the facts and information in a very precise way. It’s a case on which you can’t be wrong”explains the French presidency.

07h41 : US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reacted to massive strikes by Russian forces in Ukraine yesterday. “As world leaders gather here in Bali to seek progress towards peace, [le président russe Vladimir] Putin hits civilians, children, women, it’s almost barbaric”said Joe Biden after meeting with Rishi Sunak at the G20 summit.

06h20 : He is “absolutely essential to avoid the escalation of the war in Ukraine”, warned the Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres in a press release, after the explosion which killed two people on Polish territory, near the border with Ukraine. Antonio Guterres said to himself “very concerned” and demanded a “thorough investigation” on the facts.

06h15 : According to US President Joe Biden, “it’s quite unlikely” that the missile which hit the village of Przewodow (Poland) yesterday, killing two people, “was fired from Russia”. The leader was speaking after an emergency meeting of the leaders of the great powers of the G7 (United States, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Japan), on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali (Indonesia). “I will make sure we can determine what exactly happened” before deciding on a reaction, he added.

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