Oration Peter Mol on knowledge exchange between science and medicine authority | News item

by time news

News item | 15-11-2022 | 10:00 am

Scientific collaboration helps to improve the development and assessment of medicines: that is the core of the inaugural lecture by Peter Mol, professor of Regulatory Science and senior assessor at the MEB.

prof. Dr. Peter Mol is a senior assessor at the MEB. In August 2020 he was appointed professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University Medical Center Groningen. He was given the teaching assignment there Regulatory Science – drug regulatory decision-making and knowledge transfer.


On Friday 25 November, Peter Mol will deliver his inaugural lecture in Groningen. The lecture focuses on the collaboration between the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology and the MEB. The good cooperation between the European registration authorities and other parties involved in the assessment and development of medicines is also discussed.

“In the lecture, I focus on important issues in drug regulation,” says Peter. “Think of ‘personalised medicine’, the use of ‘real world data’ and the (more) central role of the patient. I will also discuss how we can share knowledge even better. Because cooperation promotes the development and assessment of medicines.”

Peter himself is an example of interdisciplinary collaboration, as he combines his research position at the UMCG with work as a drug assessor. “That has always been my calling, that combination of research and practice”, Peter already stated in an interview upon his appointment as professor in 2020. “By entering into discussions with various players at an early stage, this helps to strengthen regulatory knowledge, and thus drug development. As a result, the tools with which we make regulatory decisions are also improving.”

Symposium: Science of Drug Regulation

Prior to the inaugural lecture ‘Drug Regulatory Science, collaborate to improve drug development and evaluation’ by Peter Mol, there will be a symposium entitled ‘Drugs: Regulation and Science’. The science of drug regulation and development is discussed from different perspectives.

Experienced regulators and academic researchers will speak, including PhD students of Peter Mol. Marjon Pasmooij, head of the Science Bureau, will shed light on ‘Regulatory Science Network(ing)’ in the Netherlands during the symposium.

Sign Up

The symposium and the inaugural lecture can be attended both on location and online. In both cases registration is required. You can register for the symposium and/or the inaugural lecture here.

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