Expert reveals: Five simple everyday tips for a healthier life life & knowledge

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Little effort, big effect! A healthier life in just five minutes a day. It does not work?

Yes, says nutritionist and preventive medicine specialist Dr. Anne Fleck (49, “Energy in 5 minutes”, dtv, 22 euros). With small, smart changes, EVERYONE can make their own Health influence positively. In BILD, the expert reveals five turbo tips for your well-being!

healthy order

Clean up and out! A healthy order in the refrigerator and kitchen shelves helps to have a healthier diet. Because the rule here is: out of sight, out of mind. “A lot is consumed because it is available, often for emotional reasons such as boredom or emptiness,” explains Fleck.

Order on the kitchen shelf makes it easier to eat healthy

Photo: Katharina Fleck/dtv

For example, sweet drinks such as lemonades, convenience and light products, foods with colorings and additives should go. In the front rows are allowed: fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, unprocessed foods.

slim plate

The simple and proven principle of the slim plate helps you put together a healthy meal – at home and on the go. Fleck: “Half the plate should be covered with greens – i.e. vegetables or salad (preferably in the evening).

Half the meal when eating: Half of the plate should be reserved for greens

Half the meal when eating: Half of the plate should be reserved for greens

Photo: Katharina Fleck/dtv

There is also a protein component the size of the palm of a hand. Mushrooms, legumes, organic eggs, fish or sometimes meat.” Carbohydrates can be used flexibly – depending on how much you move. Must not be missing: herbs such as parsley or basil and some fat.

Anywhere Training

“Sitting is the new smoking,” says Anne Fleck. “It promotes low-grade inflammation in the body.” That’s why she advises: exercise whenever possible. However, sweaty sports units are not necessary. “The world is the gym.”

Movement is possible in many life situations

Movement is possible in many life situations

Photo: Katharina Fleck/dtv

Her tips: Stairs instead of the elevator, jumping, squats in the bathroom, circling your arms while waiting and walking while waiting at the bus stop, stretching every now and then.

Get rid of negative thoughts

“Many people get caught up in a merry-go-round of negative thoughts too quickly,” says the expert. “That causes a high level of stress and makes us sick.” It can help to say to yourself: Stop, that’s just a thought!

Break the merry-go-round of negative thoughts, advises the expert

Break the merry-go-round of negative thoughts, advises the expert

Photo: Katharina Fleck/dtv

In addition, the expert recommends small happy makers, such as gratitude. “Those who are grateful cannot think negatively.” Also helpful: listening to music! This releases happiness hormones and lowers the stress level.

Healthy sleep

Sleep is the most important energy loading time of our body. Too little or poor sleep can make you ill in the long run. Fleck: “Lack of sleep promotes diabetes and also weakens our immune system”. She recommends sleeping no less than six and a half hours.

And she advises: make the bedroom an oasis of calm, avoid stimulating foods such as coffee and don’t exercise too late in the evening. A relaxing bath and a walk in the fresh air can help.

More in:

More in: “Energy in 5 minutes” by Dr. Anne Fleck, dtv, 22 euros. The illustrations in the hands-on book are by Katharina Fleck

Photo: dtv

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