The electricity bill that froze the funds of schools in Britain.. A new procedure to be brought to minors

by time news

Thousands of children will have to wear coats in classrooms in Britain as energy bills freeze school funding, it has been reported.

Electricity tariff increase

Rising electricity bills in Britain have crippled the finances of English schools. Because of this, thousands of children will have to wear coats in classrooms, the head of the Education Trust said.

Vale Academy Trust chief executive Richard Evans said all the trust’s buildings had been fitted with LED lighting to cut costs at schools, but fees were still rising.

Increasing costs

He also said that they have an increasing number of children with special needs and therefore the cost of hiring more staff is increasing.

A survey by the Association of School and College Heads last month found many headteachers are reducing teaching and support staff and increasing class sizes in an effort to save money.

The electricity bill that froze the funding of schools in Britain.. A new procedure brought to minors  Uk Pupils Will Wear Coat In Class Rooms

The Department for Education said the £53.8 billion in funding this financial year included a £4 billion cash boost, an increase of 7 per cent per pupil.

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