Culture, restart effect –

by time news

The coexistence of “live” and remote and the driving force of festivals: how consumption changes. Thursday 17 at BookCity Milano the results of two surveys promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo on the use of events, books, art

An increase in participation in cultural life and the widening of the range of choices in terms of study, above all thanks to specific digital tools. And then: the return to presence and the “driving” effect of festivals also for books and reading. We anticipate on this page the results of two surveys promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo and dedicated to cultural consumption and festivals in the postcovid era: they will be presented on Thursday 17 November at BookCity Milano, during the meeting «Festivals and cultural consumption live or online, a restart?», which takes place at the Triennale, starting at 11. The first gives the title to the meeting and is organized by Intesa Sanpaolo with the collaboration of Ipsos, the second, Festival effectis promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo and directed by Giulia Cogoli and Guido Guerzoni.

In particular, for the survey «Festivals and cultural consumption live or online, a restart?», in the year of the return to live events (book presentations, exhibitions, shows, festivals and so on) in October 2022 a representative sample of 1,200 individuals was asked about cultural consumption during and after the pandemic (1,000 people plus 200 regular users of culture).

The first element highlighted by the research is that Italians, in the last two years, have seen an increase in the possibilities of dedicating themselves to culture: if on average in the pre-Covid era they carried out two types of cultural activities, the wide range of events digital during the pandemic brought the followed events to 3.5 in 2021, to then settle at 3 in 2022, still growing. After the pandemic, in 2022, 69 percent of those interviewed returned to live use of shows, exhibitions and so on, but 25 percent continued to prefer digital, with a further specificity, with regard to reading of experts, conferences and literary debates, which today are mostly enjoyed (56 percent) still online. Even if online is the “driving force” for face-to-face events: 15 percent of users of online culture subsequently wanted to follow the same event or a similar event live.

«What emerges from the data, in my opinion – explained Fabrizio Paschina, head of Intesa Sanpaolo Communication and Image – is that by now “presence” and digital grow together. While during the lockdown online use replaced the physical one entirely, today it is no longer a question of a replacement, but the two elements go hand in hand: if possible, you go to the site, otherwise you follow it online”.

Paschina chooses two recent examples: «I just returned from two events in Turin, one at the Intesa Sanpaolo skyscraper on America after the elections in midtermwith Francesco Costa, deputy director of the «Post», Marilisa Palumbo, journalist of the «Corriere della Sera», Lorenzo Pregliasco and Giovanni Diamanti: the hall was full, with 400 people, but we had 10,000 people online. And for the ATP Finals tennis match, we had insiders in the room, but 9,000 people were connected online. By now it often happens that events are built to be both physical and online, together: the first aspect preserves the aura of the event, of the thing that happens in front of you, but digital also affects memory and the desire to learn more». So much so that even in the post-covid year, 9 percent of those interviewed were able to take advantage of online-only events.

The phenomenon can be understood even more if we observe the responses of the sample on events such as festivals: the in-depth behaviors after live or digital participation are almost identical. Many, after a festival, want to delve into the topics of interest searching for news on the internet (47 percent of live followers, 49 percent of online followers), involving friends (32 percent live participants, 30 remote participants), reading books on topic (31 per cent and 28 in the two categories).

Speaking of reading, the numbers are very interesting: the favorite cultural activity in the last 12 months was reading for 73 percent, with 34 percent reading much more and 42 percent listening many more podcasts than in the pre-covid period. Books are still the first cultural activity preferred, in second place reading ebooks, and in third place listening to podcasts: but among the very young (18-24 years) podcasts rise to second place after books.

«This is a very interesting phenomenon – concludes Paschina -, i Podcasts have massive retention, are much loved by the very young, and many say they want to deepen their listening with other means, such as books. The Intesa Sanpaolo podcasts, launched in June 2020, have been listened to by 8.5 million people. While it’s not a word I love, the multitasking today it doesn’t just mean using television and mobile phone at the same time: today multitasking has become the transition from physical to virtual, from podcast to event livefrom both to deepening by means of books and other tools».

The meeting

In the meeting «Festivals and cultural consumption live or online, a restart?», which takes place on Thursday 17 at BookCity Milano, at the Triennale, two surveys promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo on cultural consumption and festivals are presented: Piergaetano Marchetti, Giulia Cogoli talk about it , Guido Guerzoni, Matteo Lancini, Ricardo Franco Levi and Fabrizio Paschina, moderated by Luca Formenton. Giulia Cogoli and Claudio Guerzoni have curated the seventh edition of the Effettofestival research, dedicated to the cultural consumption of the festival audience and young volunteers

November 17, 2022 (change November 17, 2022 | 10:36 am)

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