After being appointed to the large maritime port of Marseille, Castaner takes the head of the Mont Blanc tunnel

by time news

And two! Three days after being appointed by decree to the supervisory board of the large maritime port of Marseille, the former Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner is appointed this Friday by decree president of the board of directors of the company Autoroutes et tunnel du Mont Blanc .

This appointment had been anticipated on November 7 by Politico. “This faithful Emmanuel Macron should also lead another cross-border tunnel, that of Fréjus. Choosing a single president for these two companies has been the practice since 2012 in order to coordinate their operation, ”wrote our colleagues at the time.

150,000 gross annually?

This double or even triple appointment could revive the accusations of “recasing”, which have already targeted other former ministers of Emmanuel Macron. If the presence on the board of directors of the large maritime port of Marseille is a voluntary activity, the presidency of that of the Autoroutes et tunnel du Mont Blanc company gives the right to remuneration.

The former minister of François Hollande, Thierry Repentin, had indicated to the Dauphiné Libéré that the double presidency of the board of directors of the company Autoroutes du Mont-Blanc (ATMB) and the French company of the Fréjus tunnel (SFTRF) brought him 150,000 euros gross per year. “This amount is disproportionate to those practiced in companies of the same size in the private sector, with the same level of responsibility, including criminal”, he assured.

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