the new targeted aid will concern half of French people, according to their income

by time news

The government rebate, which fell from 30 to 10 cents on Wednesday, will be replaced by more targeted aid on January 1, 2023.

While the government discount of 30 cents per liter of fuel was lowered to 10 cents on Wednesday and will end on December 31, it will be replaced by a new, more targeted device. The Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, drew the first outlines of it in an interview granted this Friday to the echoes.

Named “ worker fuel allowance “, this help “ will benefit households in the first five income deciles, i.e. half of households “says the Prime Minister. They will benefit from a first payment at the beginning of the year.

The government is still working on the precise definition of the scale, but Élisabeth Borne claims to have “ the desire to significantly help those who travel a long way to work. An aid that should indeed be paid regardless of the evolution of fuel prices. “ One could wonder if oil prices collapsed, but it is still unlikely! “, she says.

SEE ALSO – “For some it’s vital”: the drop in fuel discounts worries

“The big rollers and the big workers”

More specifically, this more targeted aid must concern “the big rollers and the big workers“, had specified in mid-October Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate for Public Accounts. She “will look great” to the “worker fuel allowanceplanned by the government this summer. This had been finally abandoned at the time to be replaced by the shed that we know today. Last summer, the executive imagined aid of 100 to 200 euros, depending on the income of the people. It was to concern employees, apprentices, public officials and self-employed, and was to be paid only to the most modest. The government planned to match it with a bonus for heavy rollers, of 50 or 100 euros.

If the precise modalities of this future targeted aid therefore remain to be defined, it “will be subject to several criteria“, Detailed Gabriel Attal on LCI: “the fact of working», «have a car and have a gray card number to declare» et «be in popular or middle class categories“. To qualify, you will have to go to a dedicated website and enter your personal information, and the aid will then be paid “in a few dayson the bank account of each beneficiary, added the minister. An envelope between 1.5 and 1.6 billion euros has been allocated to the measure in the 2023 budget, said Gabriel Attal.

On the same subject, the Prime Minister also recalls that for 2022 and 2023, the government has doubled the ceiling for tax-free aid that employers can offer to their employees who use their vehicle to work. The car remains a preferred mode of travel for the French. In 2017, three-quarters of the 24.6 million working people studied by INSEE used it.

SEE ALSO – The question of the day: Is Elisabeth Borne a good prime minister?

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