Within days: the move that will pave Deri’s path to the government

by time news

Knitted news11/18/22 10:25 AM in Hashvan Tishpag

Within days: the move that will pave Deri's path to the government

(Photo: Yonatan Zindel / Flash90)

After the great achievement in the last elections in which they received 11 mandates, the Shas are now preoccupied with two main questions; one is the identity of the positions and files they will demand in the coalition negotiations, and the second is the fear that the High Court of Justice will prevent the appointment of the movement’s chairman Aryeh Deri Malkhan Kosher .

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Even before it was known which portfolio Deri will hold in the next government, the Shas started paving his way to the government and are working to change the law that will allow him to serve as minister.

Member of Knesset Moshe Arbel of the Shas submitted a proposal to amend the basic law of the government, according to which only a person who has actually served a prison term of more than three months, will not be able to serve as a minister. The Shas are expected to enact the law in a flash procedure in the coming days.

In the same matter: The Movement for Purity of Morals yesterday appealed to Netanyahu with the demand that he refrain from appointing Deri as a minister in the emerging government, and in particular as Minister of Finance. The movement demands that Deri not be appointed even if the chairman of the election committee determines that Deri is qualified to be appointed minister despite his conviction.

In the letter, the movement claims that “even if it is determined that Deri’s actions did not involve scandal, the appointment of a person who was convicted of serious crimes in the field of moral integrity, and then was convicted a second time of tax offenses to the position of minister is extremely improbable, and will harm the public’s trust in the government systems and the values ​​of moral purity and proper administration.” .

The movement adds that “this appointment will send the wrong message according to which someone who has been convicted, several times, of criminal offenses, will be able to return and serve as a minister in the Israeli government.”

The movement also wrote that “the possible appointment of MK Deri as Minister of Finance is particularly serious, as he is in charge of the Tax Authority. A reality in which the Minister of Finance is a person who was recently convicted of tax offenses carries the wrong message that whoever is above the tax money that he had to pay, is qualified to hold the key to the public coffers.”

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According to the movement, “The appointment of MK Deri, a newly convicted tax offender, to the Minister of Finance is similar to the appointment of a person convicted of cartel offenses to the director of the Competition Authority.”

The Movement for the Purity of Morals made it clear that as long as Deri is appointed to the position of minister, it will act in all the legal ways available to it “to cancel this offensive and invalid appointment”.

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