Here’s the perfect way to store potatoes without them getting moldy and worn out

by time news

Follow-up – Ali Mualla:

You may find it difficult to preserve some vegetables, including potatoes, as the grains are exposed to rapid rot at times, and roots may grow on them.

In order to prevent this and to be able to store them intact for as long as possible, we recommend that you put the grains in a dry place, away from sunlight and the airway.

In this case, it is important that you put them in a basket made of wood with holes, as this allows the potatoes to breathe and reduces the process of wearing them out. You can also keep them in burlap bags.

It is also useful to know that it is wrong to put potatoes next to bananas, apples, or pears, as these fruits release ethylene gas, which accelerates the process of ripening and then rotting.

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