Bike rental: “abnormalities” observed in 70% of professionals checked

by time news

“Anomalies” were noted last year in 70% of bicycle rental companies checked by the Fraud Repression during a national survey of this booming activity, announced the Directorate General for Competition, Consumption and the Repression of Fraud (DGCCRF) this Friday in a press release.

“Of 179 establishments checked, 70% presented anomalies”, including “breaches” of the regulations in terms of safety and consumer information, specified the DGCCRF, which carried out this survey among stores and websites offering rental of bicycles and electric bicycles.

“In total, the checks carried out gave rise to 97 warnings and 33 injunctions to restore compliance,” reveals the agency, which depends on the Ministry of the Economy. Among the main irregularities noted, the DGCCRF investigators “frequently” observed that “the bicycles were not delivered with signaling and lighting devices as well as a buzzer”, as provided for by law.

A mode of transport “strongly encouraged by the government”

“This observation is problematic when bicycles are used on public roads and potentially during bad weather conditions or even at night”, notes the Fraud Repression. The absence of certain information, “essential for consumers to be able to choose the best offer”, such as the amount of the security deposit or the right of withdrawal, was also frequently observed in rental contracts.

“These same documents often contained illegal or abusive clauses”, continues the DGCCRF, citing the example of a “liability clause in the event of non-compliance with the Highway Code, while the mountain bikes offered did not include a device lighting”. The bicycle rental sector “has experienced a significant revival in France for two years”, notes the DGCCRF which recalls that “the development of this mode of transport is strongly encouraged by the government”.

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