Kidney disease..threatens Thai people, 11.6 million people get sick

by time news

According to the United States Renal Data System (USRDS), Thailand is one of the top five countries with the highest incidence of kidney disease.

The other day, I had the opportunity to join in the honor of donating a dialysis machine to Queen Sirikit Hospital, Songkhla province of Khun Kittithat Thanarat via Facebook Live, public volunteer media. sponsored by Safe and Creative Media Development Fund

Showing that kidney disease is a health problem that is threatening Thai people with a leap increasing rate of patients from 8 million in 2020 to 11.6 million in 2022 and the number of dialysis patients has increased from 80,000 100,000 people

The main reason for the rapid increase in the number of patients with kidney disease Part of this comes from consumption behavior, which found that Thai people consume up to 3,635 milligrams of sodium per day, or equivalent to about 2 teaspoons of salt, which is twice as high as the amount that should be or that does not harm the body.

Many people may wonder. Why do Thai people eat so much salt?

The answer is 90% of your sodium intake. It comes from various seasonings, such as fish sauce, soy sauce, soup cubes, salt, shrimp paste and monosodium glutamate, including various ready-made meals. That’s why we get more sodium than normal.

And because the situation of chronic kidney disease in the Thai population is increasing rapidly. Until it becomes a public health problem that affects the country’s economy. Finding a way to prevent an increase in the number of patients with chronic kidney disease or existing chronic kidney disease patients. Don’t let it become chronic kidney failure quickly. therefore it is important because when chronic kidney disease enters the final stage Drug treatment will not control your symptoms. Patients must receive kidney replacement therapy, which has 3 methods: hemodialysis by artificial kidney machine, peritoneal dialysis. and kidney transplant

According to a study on the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Thailand, it was found that stage 1-5 chronic kidney disease has a total prevalence of about 17.5% of the population, compared to the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the United States or European countries. Thailand has a much higher prevalence of chronic kidney disease. Abroad, the prevalence rate of nephrotic syndrome is approximately 11-13%.

For patients with end-stage renal failure The biggest impact is Patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease requiring hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis The impact on the patient, in addition to his health deteriorating and compared to before the illness, will not be the same. affecting the ability to work or make a career There may be a decrease in income or may have to quit the job that you do. poor quality of life

Although the best treatment is a kidney transplant. Because the patient does not need to come to dialysis or peritoneal dialysis Have a good quality of life close to normal people But there is a limitation that the number of kidney transplants each year can only be done about 600-700 cases, which depends on the capacity of the few institutions in Thailand and the number of donated kidneys each year as well.

People at greatest risk of chronic kidney disease Is a patient with diabetes. It was found that diabetes is the cause of kidney disease up to 30-40% of all chronic kidney disease patients, followed by high blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease, nephritis, or autoimmune diseases such as SLE, those receiving drugs or substances that are toxic to the kidneys, such as painkillers of the Ensed group. some herbal medicines certain antibiotics kidney stones or in the urinary tract Kidney cyst disease Repeated upper urinary tract infections have little or decreased kidney mass or having only one kidney Elderly people aged 60 years and over have a family history of chronic kidney disease. people who are overweight or obese and people who smoke, etc.

The best solution to the problem is a communication to educate people to reduce the risk of kidney disease. Campaign to reduce salty, overly sweet, ready-to-eat foods processed meat And turned to eat more fruits and vegetables in the group of patients with diabetes. must control diet Take care of yourself and try to keep your blood sugar at a steady level to avoid developing more kidney disease.

The important thing is to eat food from all 5 food groups, avoid risky behaviors such as drinking alcohol, smoking, exercising regularly and not being stressed. This will help reduce the risk of not only kidney disease but also other non-communicable diseases.

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