Jews were almost lynched in the Amishab neighborhood in Ramla

by time news

Knitted news19.11.22 22:16 25 in Hashvan Tishpag

Jews were almost lynched in the Amishab neighborhood in Ramla

(Photo: Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

The residents of the Amishab neighborhood in Ramla were almost lynched. On Friday evening, after the sun of a Jewish family in the neighborhood was smashed, Jewish residents of the city gathered for Shabbat prayer next to the damaged house, when suddenly a group of Arabs arrived and attacked the worshippers.

The residents complained that the Arab rioters attacked with severe violence that included punches, hitting with clubs and throwing rocks, objects and chairs at the Jews. According to the residents of the neighborhood, they called the police, drove the women and children to a nearby house and tried to protect themselves until the forces arrived.

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Large forces of the Israel Defense Forces arrived at the scene and arrested three Arab rioters. But the residents complain that despite the commitment of the police officers on the spot, the violent rioters were released after a few hours at the station.

In Ramla they say that this serious incident joins two stone-throwing incidents that took place in the neighborhood on Friday in which the windshield of a Jewish family’s car was smashed and stones were thrown at the home of another Jewish family.

“It’s just absolute madness what happened here at the beginning of Shabbat. Arab rioters are rampaging and attacking anyone who comes near. By a miracle disaster and blood was avoided here,” says Yair, one of the worshipers who was there “We are busy calming the little children who saw this lynching attempt in the center of the State of Israel.”

The director of Amishev stated: “Ramla is not Ramallah. We need security and peace for our children! Shattering a sun on Friday and almost being lynched on Saturday is an unimaginable reality. It is very serious that the rioters are released after a few hours with nothing. We are turning to the next government with the demand that if the state of Hafsat Haim we rise Act harshly against the rioters. Prosecution with serious indictments and stopping the containment of all incidents of violence. This is the only way peace will come to the neighborhood.”

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