Why is it important to treat rhinitis in children and babies?

by time news

Runny noses and colds are phenomena we are all familiar with, especially as winter approaches and the temperatures drop. When it comes to our little ones, the symptoms happen more frequently, so it is important to pay close attention. Usually it is a runny nose or a cold that is not particularly harmful, but in some cases complications may develop.

What is a runny nose and what is a cold?

The runny nose is actually a kind of symptom, evidence that our immune system works against the penetration of a virus into the body. This is basically mucus, which is secreted in the nose mainly with the aim of ‘capturing’ those viruses and preventing them from entering the respiratory tract. In other words, when we are dehydrated the body actually works to protect us from the penetration of a virus or viruses.

A cold is a more widespread phenomenon, which, among other things, also causes a runny nose. The cold, or the common cold, is a manifestation of a viral infectious inflammation that occurs in the upper respiratory tract, and they can lead to the formation of a runny nose for a few days, as well as sore throats, coughing, phlegm formation, fever, and more.

Why shouldn’t the presence of the snot be ignored?

As a rule, runny nose and cold are not harmful. That is, if they appear on their own, and are not accompanied by additional health effects, they are not considered harmful. At most, general treatment will be required to alleviate the symptoms, and they will pass at some point, usually after a few days.

Still, it’s not worth ignoring the appearance of a runny nose or the appearance of a cold, certainly at a young age – this is because they can indicate the development of another health problem. Also, and especially in small babies, a runny nose may cause other difficulties that are important to treat. In other words, there is no need to panic or be frightened by the appearance of a runny nose and cold, but it is important to monitor the child’s condition and treat accordingly in case of additional symptoms.

Here are some important principles in case of runny nose and cold in babies and children:

In little ones, the structure of the tube connecting the nasal cavity and the ear is not mature, so the congestion may accumulate and cause various infections – in the throat, ears and sinuses, for example.

Small babies breathe only through the nose and not through the mouth. An accumulated runny nose can, therefore, cause eating difficulties especially in infants or bottle-fed and even sleep difficulties and frequent awakenings at night.

A runny nose accompanied by fever may indicate infections such as pneumonia, ear infections and even urinary tract infections. If the fever is very high or does not go down within three days, it is important to seek medical attention with the toddler.

Runny nose and phlegm in large quantities can also cause a persistent and unpleasant cough, and in severe cases also vomiting.

Vomiting or difficulty eating and drinking can lead to dehydration. Since the baby cannot express himself at a young age, this is another matter that is important to pay attention to. Dehydration symptoms in babies include apathy or extreme tiredness, irritability, cold limbs and lack of urine.

Pay attention to allergic rhinitis: it is also possible, and also at a young age – and it is different from the ‘normal’ rhinitis. This is a runny nose that is secreted due to exposure to a substance that causes an allergy, and will usually be transparent and have a more liquid texture. It’s a runny nose that isn’t contagious, but it can be bothersome and frustrating.

What are the solutions?

There are steps that can be taken to make it easier for babies and children:

Use of salt water spray, cold steam and inhalations. These are also suitable in the first months of the baby’s life, and they relieve congestion in the nose and respiratory tract. You can drip a few drops of salt water before breastfeeding or feeding to allow the baby to eat without interruption.

Lying with the head elevated, by placing a small rolled towel under the mattress, reduces the extent of symptoms while sleeping.

Prevention of infection: by maintaining hygiene, ventilation, cleaning and changing bedding, disposal of infected products (papers for the nasal dessert, for example).

Breastfeeding: Breast milk helps to strengthen the immune system and thus better deal with the various dangers.

Use of preparations adapted for toddlers, to facilitate cooling, such as a series of cooled droppers. The series includes products containing eucalyptus oil and other natural oils to relieve cold symptoms from the age of three months and older. For example, Koldi ointment for applying to the chest, back and neck of the child or baby – massaging with the ointment helps stimulate the blood and create a gentle heating effect that softens the phlegm and relieves the symptoms. It can also be used at night to facilitate the toddler’s sleep.

In conclusion, runny noses and colds are our lot, whether we like it or not, certainly in the winter season and the seasons of transition. It is very important to pay attention to the child’s condition, and treat accordingly in case of the development of accompanying health phenomena, which may endanger him. However, the most important thing is not to panic: usually runny noses and colds are transient things, which even at a young age can be dealt with relatively easily.

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