Not only the treasury: Smotrich’s additional demand from Netanyahu

by time news

The negotiations for the formation of the government have been stalled for over a week due to the crisis between the prime minister-designate, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the religious Zionist leader, Bezalel Smotrich, who demands for himself the treasury portfolio, which was promised to Derai, or the security portfolio, which Netanyahu insists on keeping with him. But Smotrich is ready to give up on the security file for the treasury under one condition.

Smotrich Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90

According to a publication by the parliamentary correspondent of Kan Ha’od, Ze’ev Kam, the chairman of religious Zionism, announced that he is ready to give up the security portfolio, on the condition that he receives the Ministry of Finance with broad powers over the management of the civilian life of Israelis in Judea and Samaria. So even if he is not appointed Finally to the Minister of Defense, he will still be able to determine the policy on the matter.

Smotrich was compared to Sinuar and rage: it happens every time we don’t give up on Likud

While he was fighting to get his hands on the security portfolio or the treasury portfolio, Religious Zionist Chairman Bezalel Smotrich tweeted last night (Sunday) on his Twitter account against an ad in which he was compared to the leader of the terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza, Yahis Sinuar. The words were attached to the poster: There is no difference between them! It’s a stinking carrion and it’s a stinking carnage.”

“It is not possible that every time we do not stand still in the face of the Likud’s demands, there will be those who will turn us into enemies, incite against us and discredit us,” Smotrich wrote angrily. “Religious Zionism is a full partner of the National Camp and the Likud. We will stand by our demands to ensure the establishment of a good and stable government as quickly as possible that will do good and lead a true right-wing policy.”

“Religious Zionism is a full partner of the National Camp and the Likud”

Member of Knesset from the Likud, Shlomo Karai, wrote against the words of the chairman of religious Zionism: “Bezalel is an excellent partner, worthy, loyal and a good friend. But what he is doing in this tweet, these are methods of the left… to take a tweet (which I strongly reject and condemn) of some bot at best and make it look like anything… does not suit you my dear friend. Let’s focus on what’s important right now and not on the background noise.”

Member of Knesset from the state camp, Matan Kahana, also responded to Smotrich’s words: “Are you serious? As long as they don’t call for you to be kicked out of synagogues, don’t howl.”

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