Nupes wants a commission of inquiry to “monitor” the far right

by time news

The left-wing coalition Nupes (LFI, PS, PCF, EELV) is asking on Monday for the creation of a commission of inquiry at the National Assembly on “the fight against far-right groups in France”. This decision comes in a climate of “exacerbated violence in society”.

A motion for a resolution, carried by the Insoumis MP Thomas Portes and co-signed by a hundred colleagues from Nupes, points to the appearance of multiple “identity and neo-Nazi” small groups in the country. “Our responsibility today is to put them under surveillance, to look at who they are, to identify them to avoid tragedies”, because of the violence of these groups, believes the parliamentarian.

We must trace “their funding networks”, he added, also considering that these “small groups have links with the parties, both the RN and Reconquest”. Their development “is part of a context of racism and exacerbated violence in society”, he said, citing in particular the degradations which target Muslim places of worship. The deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis judges that the government bears “responsibility” in the situation, citing in particular the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, who, according to him, takes up “the elements of language of the RN” on the ‘immigration.

Several plans for violent action foiled

At the Assembly, LFI has created an internal “working group” to monitor parliamentary activity and the positions taken by Marine Le Pen’s group, said Thomas Portes. The LFI deputies do not plan at this stage to use their “drawing rights” for this commission of inquiry (possibility for each group to create one commission of inquiry per year), which makes its establishment hypothetical.

Several plans for violent action by small ultra-right groups, targeting political figures in particular, have been thwarted in recent years. Suspected members of the “Barjols”, a group close to the identities, were indicted between 2018 and 2022, suspected of having planned an attack against Emmanuel Macron, in 2018. Members of the “Honneur et Action” group were put in examination in 2021 and 2022 for “criminal terrorist association”.

In October, the criminal court of Marseilles (Bouches-du-Rhône) sentenced members of Génération identitaire to terms of up to one year in prison for a violent commando operation at the Marseilles headquarters of SOS Méditerranée, an organization of aid to immigrants.

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