Fuels: prices jump by more than 10 cents

by time news

It was expected, but the fact remains that the news hurts the wallet. Fuel prices skyrocketed last week, according to official figures released on Monday, November 21, by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. The liter of diesel, the best-selling fuel in France, took just over 10 cents and cost an average of 1.91 euros.

Either the same price as at the height of the strike in refineries, which caused major shortages last month. The flight is even greater for the SP 95-E10. In seven days, its price has increased by 13 cents, to 1.75 euros. You have to go back to summer to find gasoline at such a high level at the pump.

Unsurprisingly, this big leap forward is explained by the drop in boosts. Since last Wednesday, the government rebate has fallen to 10 cents per liter, against 30 cents previously. For its part, that of TotalEnergies went from 20 to 10 cents. This aid will be maintained until the end of the year, then will disappear.

Soon a new help

To compensate, the government is working on “a worker fuel allowance”. Rather than helping all motorists as is the case with the rebate, a new targeted scheme will be launched early next year to support working people who need their vehicle to work. The precise modalities are not yet known – what scale? how to report? – but Élisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, assured that this boost should “significantly help those who make a long journey to go to work. “Half of the households should be able to benefit from it. It will be paid regardless of the evolution of prices at the pump.

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