In Flins-sur-Seine, the Renault factory “rents” some of its employees

by time news

After carpooling, “co-employment”. The Renault plant in Flins-sur-Seine (Yvelines) has just used an original system to recruit new employees. Forty of them have signed an “Alliance emploi” contract.

To put it simply, these employees are not hired by Renault. They are employees of an association which then makes them available to companies, by “lending” them, for the duration of a contract or a specific mission. It looks like acting but with much greater stability and visibility. “And above all, we are an association of employers. That is to say that we do not make a profit on the placement of these employees, it is not lucrative, specifies Carole Blanquart, deputy general manager of Alliance emploi. In addition, this device allows us to prepare the skills of tomorrow. »

The case of Flins illustrates this aspect. In the midst of industrial transition, the Renault plant in Flins-sur-Seine cannot hire people on permanent contracts: the specialties that will be involved in the coming years on the site, as part of its project to transform used vehicles, are not yet precisely defined. The diamond brand can therefore hardly risk recruiting on long contracts.

“The guarantee of employing motivated people”

“Compared to temporary work agencies, Alliance emploi offers us the guarantee of employing motivated people,” explains Stéphane Radut, director of the Renault plant and of the “Refactory” project. The people who were sent to us are much more involved. Since they are already on permanent or long-term fixed-term contracts with Alliance Emploi, they have a professional horizon, we can feel it. For us, it is essential because we are in a delicate period, where we have to be in the lace! »

On the assembly lines, in the aisles of the factory which produced thousands of Twingo, Clio or Zoé and where nearly 2,000 workers work today, the team leaders also relay this renewed motivation. “For us it’s something important, it’s my main concern,” says Baptiste. It is difficult to find good profiles because the competition is strong. »

The agreement was signed by the unions. The CFDT indicates “having supported the project from the start”. “Now, we would like the fixed-term contracts to quickly switch to permanent contracts,” insists one of its representatives.

Alliance emploi brings together 400 companies in six regions. It has 2,000 “time-sharing” employees.

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