David Bitan in an attack on Binyamin Netanyahu: “Doesn’t know how to negotiate” | Listen

by time news

form a government: The coalition negotiations between the Likud and the parties of the right-wing bloc continued even more vigorously, when the prime minister-designate, Benjamin Netanyahu, continues to hold a marathon of meetings with the leaders of the parties regarding the distribution of the portfolios in the emerging government. About that, Knesset member David Bitan (Likud) spoke this morning (Tuesday) with Anat Davidov and Gideon Oko on 103FM and attacked Netanyahu: “Apparently Netanyahu does not know how to negotiate.”

At the beginning of the conversation, Member of Knesset Bitan said: “According to the coalition agreement that is taking shape, there is a problem, I hope it will change. There is not much left for Likud. The State of Israel is not only about foreign affairs and security, it is also about everyday life. Therefore, significant cases have an impact on the life of the country. It Not only in the government, but also in the Knesset, the coalition parties will receive important votes. I don’t see how the Likud is going to integrate and influence as we wanted.” According to him, “The fact that you have a prime minister does not mean that he can influence the field of education and culture. Even though education is going to remain with us.”

David Bitan (Photo: Noam Moshkowitz, Knesset Spokesperson)

MK Bitan referred to the pressure from the emerging coalition parties and the controversy regarding the cases. Bitan said that “Netanyahu wants to form a government no matter what. I don’t want to say good or bad negotiations, you see it, we don’t need to talk about it. I’m not satisfied not on my own behalf, I can’t be a minister anyway, I’m not satisfied on behalf of Likud voters, Likud activists. This is something that is not This thing is unbelievable. I hope they come to their senses and change it.”

After that, he was asked “Why is Netanyahu so weak?”. Bitan replied that: “I don’t want to get into it, I can only say that these things were also in the opposition. Even in the opposition I complained to him that we were doing what other parties were asking. We always kept our heads down so that the opposition would be united and we always paid the price, even now we We pay the price. The fact that he said a week is something that was clear that it would not happen, if anyone followed the parties in the opposition, he understood that they are not going to give up all kinds of things in order to form the government, they will form the government in the end.”

Bitan continued to attack Netanyahu, adding that “I think he crossed the line in everything to do with the Likud, he should lead the Likud in such a way that the Likud will be influential, not only as prime minister but also in other matters. Even within the Likud I hear the spins and all the briefings of His bureau, briefings are unnecessary because they hurt people within the Likud. I see briefings related to Israel, Israel, Islam, all these things do not give anything.”

“Did you filter Netanyahu?”
“Sometimes I answered and sometimes I didn’t. I don’t have to stand still every time someone from the bureau calls me. “Even if it’s Netanyahu on the line. If I think he’s wrong about something, I don’t like to answer when I’m angry. I think that precisely the fact that I don’t answer is good, it doesn’t develop the conflict anywhere, everyone calms down on their side until we talk.”

Bezalel Smotrich and Benjamin Netanyahu (photo: Likud spokespersons)Bezalel Smotrich and Benjamin Netanyahu (photo: Likud spokespersons)

Subsequently, Member of Knesset Bitan referred to the negotiations between the Likud and religious Zionism and the fact that the Ministry of Finance will not remain in the hands of the Likud. According to him, “It is no longer with us. Smotrich is not just a treasure, he is a treasure and half a security will be. We didn’t just give him the treasure.” Bitten added that “Smotrich and Deri know how to negotiate.” After being asked if “Netanyahu doesn’t know?”, Bitan replied that “Probably not.”

“Will you act to replace Netanyahu?”
“Why, he was elected in the primaries, he is the prime minister. He needs to return the governance, that the Likud will be part of this governance – he needs to understand this matter. Otherwise, what have we done here? It also affects the Knesset, also in bills, and in other things. It Not only who will be this or that minister. Do you think Smotrich, Deri, they won’t want to be influential in the field of legislation? The Knesset? Of course they will. It doesn’t end with now giving this or that minister, it affects the continuation of political life. I trust For Likud voters, I was elected without Netanyahu supporting me in the primaries.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103fm

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