Kenya experiences worst drought in 40 years

by time news

Acacia trees turned black, as far as the eye could see, on the rocky ground. Creek beds still recognizable, but now dry. Goats, cows and camels roaming around in search of pasture. Here is the landscape of Samburu County, an arid region of Kenya and one of the most affected by the drought that hits the country. The last four rainy seasons have failed, and the consequences are clearly visible.

Ten kilometers to fill a can of water

In the east of the county, the village of Sirata lost its water source. Sitting in her manyatta, this traditional dwelling made of wood and covered with tarpaulins, Anastasia Lesootia is in despair. This resident now has to walk 10 kilometers to fill her water bottle, then go back the other way.

«I leave in the morning and I return in the middle of the afternoon, she explains, specifying having to take several breaks on the way, because this 46-year-old mother is pregnant with her ninth child. Childbirth is ” for soon “.

Married since she was 20, taking care of the household is difficult for Anastasia today. She had 47 cows, she only has one left. And of his 68 goats, he only has three left. «The effects of drought are devastating both for animals and for us, she says, it often happens that we go two or three days without eating. » For these pastoral communities, livestock is essential. It is a source of food but also cash to pay school fees or health.

The pastoral way of life is no longer viable

Alois Lekamapa no longer has any animals. This father of 12 children sold his livestock which survived the drought to send his eldest son to higher education. For this 55-year-old shepherd, the pastoral way of life is no longer viable. This is the third drought in ten years. «Even when it rains, the amounts are not enough to grow enough pasturehe explains, and it’s not like we can fall back on agriculture. So we are totally dependent on help. »

With a serious face, Alois Lekamapa also evokes conflicts with elephants. The local people share the remaining water source with the animals which, also suffering from the lack of pasture, sometimes venture into the manyattas in search of food, destroying homes, injuring and sometimes killing inhabitants. The village has just lost a child, crushed by an elephant. Alois is also worried about young people who faint on their way home from school, having to walk several kilometers on an empty stomach.

Food prices are skyrocketing

The village of Sirata is no exception. The forecasts for the rainy season which was to start in October, until December, are bad. Arid and semi-arid regions have so far experienced only low rainfall. “We don’t expect the pasture to regenerate but rather the situation to get worse, explains Jillo Elema, the coordinator in Samburu of the NGO Acted where he organizes distributions of water, food for livestock and money transfers. In these regions, 99% of the population depends on livestock to live. It is a whole way of life that is threatened. »

In addition to the lack of water, the prices of basic foodstuffs have exploded in Kenya in recent months, the cumulative consequences of drought, the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. To deal with it, at the end of September, the new Kenyan president, William Ruto, supervised the sending of food to the most affected counties. A money transfer system for the most vulnerable households has also been set up. But the aid is punctual and insufficient to cope with the worst drought in Kenya for forty years.


Drought also affects wildlife

Water points have dried up and pastures have shrunk within nature reserves in Kenya, resulting in excess wildlife mortality.

Fourteen species are particularly affected. According to a report presented by the Ministry of Tourism on November 4, 205 elephants, 512 wildebeest, 381 zebras, 12 giraffes and 51 buffaloes died due to lack of water between February and October 2022.

During his speech at COP27, the Kenyan president claimed the country had spent $3 million to provide water and food to wild animals in the past three months.

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