He was seriously injured in the bomb attack and demands that the doctor be fired

by time news

Eliyahu Dahan, who was seriously injured in the attack in Jerusalem about two weeks ago, demands that the Ministry of Health and the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital fire the doctor who expressed support and treats for the terrorist who carried out the attack. Attorney Haim Bleicher: “Dr. Mahajana, being a terrorist supporter, constitutes an immediate security threat for all Jews under his care”

Eliyahu Dahan, who was seriously injured in the stabbing attack a few weeks ago in Jerusalem, appealed to the Ministry of Health and the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem, demanding the dismissal of Dr. Ahmed Mahajana, a doctor at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital who, according to him, gave treats and expressed support for the terrorist Muhammad Abu Katish from East Jerusalem who brutally stabbed him.

In his letter, attorney Bleicher from the Honunu organization, which represents Dahan, wrote, among other things: “While my client is fighting for the chance to return to his place and restore his life, it became known in the media that the despicable terrorist is receiving support, pampering and admiration from a specialist doctor at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. “Dr. Mahajana ordered a mini methika from Roldin for the terrorist Abu Katish, contrary to the procedures, and even took a selfie with him, despite the warnings of the police officers assigned to watch over the terrorist,” Bleicher described the doctor’s actions.

The letter also states that “it is difficult to express the depth of the shock that a doctor entrusted with saving lives in an Israeli hospital is busy encouraging terrorism and despicable murderers whose entire goal is the murder and killing of Israelis. Dr. Mahajana, being a supporter of terrorism, is an immediate security threat to every Jew under his care.” , Bleicher wrote.

Bleicher emphasized in his letter that the doctor is using his position to support terrorism: “My client, who pays the heavy price of terrorism, expects that the State of Israel and its institutions will see to both justice and the removal of risk factors from sensitive points, lest others suffer a fate similar to his. Being the doctor in his position, while Taking advantage of the position to support terrorism, after all, this has the effect of harming public security – both by giving free rein to incitement and by putting the doctor’s patients at risk. Therefore, I will ask to act as soon as possible to revoke Dr. Mahajana’s medical license, as well as to remove him from his job at the hospital immediately,” Bleicher signed.

We will remind you that the serious attack took place on Saturday a few weeks ago. On Sheshet Hamim Street in Jerusalem, near the light rail station. The terrorist attacked Dahan with a knife, and brutally stabbed him, Dahan was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital. The terrorist managed to escape, and was neutralized at the end of a chase by a policeman at a nearby football field.

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