PCR test must detect scabies: ‘Unrecognizable with the naked eye’

by time news

The number of people affected by the scabies mite – a small spider-like creature that burrows into the skin – has been increasing in the Netherlands for years. Last year, 15 out of 100,000 people with scabies came to their GP. This year it is 27 out of 100,000. This is evident from figures from the GGD.

In Amsterdam, the number of scabies cases has even quadrupled compared to the end of 2021. “It is especially increasing among students,” Henry de Vries, dermatologist at GGD Amsterdam, tells Editie NL. “We also hear it in other student cities.”

Office hours

GGD Amsterdam is therefore going to increase the number of consultation hours. At the moment there is already such a consultation hour for students every Wednesday. “Getting scabies under control in student houses is very difficult. That’s why it’s important to do source and contact research. That’s what we’re trying to achieve with those consultation hours.”

A good idea, says medical microbiologist Matthew McCall of Radboudumc. “Scabies are more difficult to combat today than they used to be,” he explains. “Back then, scabies mainly occurred within a family. Then a general practitioner could treat the family at once and it did not lead to reinfection.”

It works differently with students. “If one person goes to the doctor, but the source is not removed, it will still circulate. That is why source and contact research is so important.”

Recognize scabies

At the same time, the GGD is developing a PCR test to detect scabies more easily and earlier. “There is often uncertainty about spots on the skin,” says De Vries. “The difference between scabies and eczema is often difficult to see. In addition, the allergic reaction differs per person. One suffers more than the other. That makes it difficult to quickly determine whether someone has scabies or not.”

With magnifying equipment such as a dermatoscope or microscope, a healthcare provider can show whether it is scabies. “But the problem is that those devices are not everywhere and not every nurse can handle them.”

So the PCR test should solve that problem. “Any GP and nurse can then take flakes. These are then examined in the laboratory in a short time,” explains De Vries.

Medical microbiologist McCall thinks it is good that the GGD is committed to this. “Not every GP or nurse is an equally trained analyst.” Moreover, a PCR test is often more accurate than a microscope, he says. “You can then examine several scabies mites at the same time. That is not possible under the microscope: then you look at one at a time.”

In January, GGD Amsterdam will start using the PCR test during consultation hours. So far it is still a pilot.

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