5 reasons to take a multivitamin as a runner

by time news

This article was created in collaboration with Virtuoos.

Vitamin D, folic acid or iron. You’ve probably heard of it. To stay healthy and fit, it is important that you get enough vitamins and minerals every day. But why is that actually the case? In this article we list 5 ways in which vitamins and minerals contribute to your health.

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1. Less fatigue

Everyone wants to feel fit and energetic. Unfortunately this does not always work. Do you notice that you are tired more often than you would like? Then it is good to take a closer look at your lifestyle. It is important to get enough nutrients every day. Many vitamins and minerals play a role in energy production and help reduce fatigue. For example: iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, all B vitamins and vitamin C. With a multivitamin you can get extra of these vitamins and minerals daily to ensure that you support your energy level.

2. How your muscles work

In addition to supporting your energy metabolism, there are also vitamins and minerals that play a role in the proper functioning of your muscles. Something you can use as a runner, of course. The most important of these are calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin D.

3. Good resistance

The wet and dark days have already started. That means that your resistance will have to endure a lot harder than in the summer. An important reason for this is that your body can produce much less vitamin D during this period. In addition to vitamin D, vitamins A, B12 and C are also important for your immune system. The minerals iron, copper, selenium and zinc also play a role in maintaining good resistance. In short, there are many nutrients that keep your immune system working properly.

4. Strong bones

A broken bone is every runner’s nightmare. Although you can always have bad luck, it is important to make sure that your bones are strong. By training you ensure that your body receives a signal to strengthen your bones. That’s why exercise is so good for your bones. But there are also nutrients that play a role in maintaining strong bones. Think of: calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin K.

5. More energy!

To be able to walk comfortably, you must of course have enough energy available. Vitamins and minerals are also involved here. All the food that enters your body must first be converted into usable energy. The B vitamins, iron, copper and manganese, among others, play a role in this. By getting enough of these nutrients, you ensure that you can optimally use the energy from your meals!


By eating healthy and varied you can already get a nice amount of nutrients. However, this turns out to be quite difficult for many people. Do you want to be sure that you get a good base of vitamins and minerals every day? Then a multivitamin supplement is a useful addition. This way you can focus on your running performance without any worries.

Do you want to get yourself a good multivitamin? Then score Multi Health Support Gold (without B6) from Virtuoos now with a big discount. Black Friday starts on Friday, but we already have an exclusive early bird discount code of 30% for you! Use the code RUNNER at checkout. This code is valid until 24-11-2022.

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