“Individuals are not sufficiently informed of existing solutions to save energy and reduce their bills”

by time news

She are those who have solutions to help the French to hunt waste, to allow the calls for sobriety and efficiency to have concrete and visible effects this winter, it is the local authorities. They are often the most effective link for mobilizing residents and businesses.

Since this summer, more precisely since the threats hanging over our gas and oil supply during the winter, the major energy companies have been calling for energy savings.

We, local actors, are already acting in this direction, and for a long time, through the territorial “climate-air-energy” plans (PCAET).

The PCAETs are designed for this, to adapt our territories to climate change and to fight against disruptions in the ecosystem. They are therefore a direct response to the challenges of the current energy crisis. It is obvious that it is on the ground, day by day, that the battle which must lead to a 10% reduction in our energy consumption by 2024 will be won. The government has understood this, which has created on July 28, a “Territorial authorities” working group bringing together associations of elected officials, energy companies and experts.

An important educational part

Elected officials have many levers for action on the assets they manage directly, whether it be public lighting, supplying administrative buildings, schools and gymnasiums, creating networks for soft mobility, the development of alternative engines, with the installation of electrical terminals, or the local development of renewable energy production units.

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However, we too often find that individuals are not sufficiently informed of the existing solutions to save energy, and at the same time reduce their bills. This is why the promotion of sobriety must integrate an important educational part and point out the solutions that exist.

The Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, and more recently the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, have thus insisted on the development of intelligent management of consumption, and especially of electric heating. This management enables energy savings and reduced electricity consumption at the times most useful to the system, particularly during peaks, without impacting the comfort of the occupants.

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We have encouraged and deployed this concrete and useful solution in our cities, towns and communities of municipalities by calling on operators specialized in this field. Precisely within the framework of the PCAETs, without waiting for the current crisis. The returns are positive, since in addition to energy savings and a contribution to the reduction of consumption peaks for the country, there is a gain in purchasing power for the individual who sees his bill reduced accordingly.

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