Increase in the incidence of the corona virus • Are we at the beginning of a new wave? – Live here

by time news

(live here) – An increase in the incidence of the corona virus was recorded in the Haifa area and the surrounding area. Has another wave of morbidity begun?

According to the updated Ministry of Health data, last night (Monday 11/21/22) 1,776 new patients were diagnosed.

As of today (Tuesday 11/22/22) there are 9,433 active patients, of which 419 are hospitalized.

There are 113 seriously ill patients in the hospitals, of which 28 are in critical condition, 35 are on ventilators and the rest are in moderate/mild condition.

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The data also shows that the cities of Nesher, Tirat Carmel, Kiryat Bialik, Kiryat Motzkin and Kiryat Ata are red cities, according to the traffic light index. Haifa and Kiryat Yam are orange.

Dr. Samir Kasem, director of Internal Medicine Department A at Carmel Hospital, says in a face-to-face conversation:

We see a continuous trickle of corona patients in the hospitals when the rate of infection is not massive. Although there is an increase, it is not a wave. The corona has become a reality and the treatment of it accordingly. Doctors treat her less seriously than before, and are less strict about isolation. It should be remembered that masks are no longer worn in public spaces, although wearing masks is required in hospitals and health institutions, but this is not the severity that was practiced during the waves of the corona virus that we experienced. Most of those admitted to the hospitals are chronic patients or people who suffer from suppression of the immune system, or the elderly. There is not much severe morbidity, because the new strain does not cause it. We still recommend everyone who suffers from symptoms, such as fever, cough, sneezing, etc., to perform a corona test, and even if the answer is negative, to keep a distance and wear a mask, in order to prevent infection, not only of corona, but also of viruses and other flus.

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