at least four dead in a Russian bombardment on Kherson

by time news

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20h27 : At least four people were killed and ten others injured today in a bombardment on the city of Kherson, in southern Ukraine, from where Russian troops withdrew two weeks ago. “The Russian invaders opened fire on a residential area using multiple rocket launchers. A large building caught fire”wrote on Telegram Yarovslav Yanushevich, head of the Kherson military administration.

20h25 : Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned against “serious consequences” that would result from the capping of the price of Russian oil. A desire expressed by the coalition of states which includes the G7, the European Union and Australia. It should announce the limit envisaged “in the next few days”a US Treasury Department official said yesterday.

19h18 : Guest of franceinfo, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossireturned to the situation of the Ukrainian nuclear fleet and in particular in Zaporijjia, where “attacks continue” et “the situation has not improved”, according to him. Here is his full speech.


14h17 : The mayor of kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, announces that the water supply is restored throughout the capital. The inhabitants had been deprived of it since yesterday, following Russian bombardments.

18h59 : It is 2 p.m. a few minutes past, here is a new point on the titles:

• The three Ukrainian nuclear power stations controlled by kyiv have been able to be reconnected to the electricity network, announces the Ministry of Energy. They had been cut yesterday, after massive strikes from Russia. Follow our live.

• The Goncourt prize for high school students is awarded to Sabyl Ghoussoub for her book Beirut-sur-Seine (Stock).

• Finistère and Morbihan are placed on orange vigilance “waves-submersion”, due to a strong swell. The alert is valid from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

It’s time for the second meeting of the day between Uruguay and South Korea.

12h51 : For its part, Moscow claims that the recent bombardments are attributable to Ukrainian troops. “No strike was carried out on kyiv”, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said. “All the damage (…) is the consequence of the fallout of foreign and Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles, installed in residential areas of the Ukrainian capital.”

12h48 : After the bombardments that hit kyiv, Lviv, and several other Ukrainian cities yesterday, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs accuses Russia of “war crimes”. “This systematic targeting of the population as winter approaches reflects a clear Russian desire to make the Ukrainian people suffer, to deprive them of water, heat and electricity to undermine their resilience”said the spokeswoman for the Quai d’Orsay in a press release.

12h02 : It is noon, here is a new point on the titles:

• The three Ukrainian nuclear power stations controlled by kyiv have been able to be reconnected to the electricity network, announces the Ministry of Energy. They had been cut off yesterday, after massive strikes from Russia. Follow our live.

• Examination of the LFI bill to include abortion in the Constitution has begun in the National Assembly. You can follow the debates live.

• Finistère and Morbihan are placed on orange vigilance “waves-submersion”, due to a strong swell. The alert is valid from 3 to 6 p.m.

• The name of the winner of the Goncourt des lycéens must be announced at 12:45 p.m. We will of course announce it to you in this live.

11h27 : The three Ukrainian nuclear power plants under the control of kyiv have been able to be reconnected to the electricity network, announces the Ministry of Energy. They had been cut off yesterday, after massive strikes from Russia. “If there are no new strikes, we will be able to considerably reduce the lack [d’électricité] into the energy system by the end of the day”adds the ministry.

11:38 : Russia announces that it has distributed Russian passports to more than 80,000 inhabitants of four areas of Ukraine that it has annexed. In September, Moscow organized “independence referendums”qualified as “simulacra” by kyiv and its allies, in the regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia and Kherson.

10h31 : The Breton composer Erwan Coïc has brought together French artists to record a CD for the benefit of Ukrainian children. Barely released, the titled project Peace will come is already sparking reactions, some coming directly from the Ukrainian front line.

09h05 : Here are the titles at 9 o’clock:

• Finistère and Morbihan are placed on orange vigilance “waves-submersion”, due to a strong swell. The alert is valid from 3 to 6 p.m.

• China yesterday recorded a new record for Covid-19 contamination, with 31,444 new local cases, according to the Ministry of Health. Faced with an epidemic peak in Beijing, dozens of residential buildings have been confined.

• The investigation into Samuel Paty established that the history-geography professor felt a “deep concern“during the days preceding his assassination, in October 2020, according to the final report of the Anti-terrorist Sub-Directorate consulted by franceinfo.

• Volodymyr Zelensky denounced, last night at the UN, a “crime against humanity”, after new Russian strikes on infrastructure in Ukraine. Here’s what to remember from yesterday.

06h48 : Here are the titles at 6 o’clock (and some dust):

• China yesterday recorded a new record for Covid-19 contamination, with 31,444 new local cases, according to the Ministry of Health. Faced with an epidemic peak in Beijing, dozens of residential buildings have been confined.

• The investigation into Samuel Paty established that the history-geography professor felt a “deep concern“during the days preceding his assassination, in October 2020, according to the final report of the Anti-terrorist Sub-Directorate consulted by franceinfo.

• Volodymyr Zelensky denounced, last night at the UN, a “crime against humanity”, after new Russian strikes on infrastructure in Ukraine. Here’s what to remember from yesterday.

•Three bodies, a couple and their daughter, were found yesterday in a house near Rennes. According to a letter found on the spot, the father would have killed his relatives before committing suicide.

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