Argentina asks FIFA to force everyone to play like Spain

by time news

We have already seen all the teams play. Here (at the moment) they only scare spain y Brazil. OK yes, France It was very good, but… and even England He shone on his debut. OKAY. Even Argentina And till Germany they can be recovered (maybe). But, fear, fear, what is said fear, Spain and Brazil are included. Even more true, this has only just begun and it is a World Cup event where the smallest (poor Argentina! sad and haughty Germany!) makes you a suit, so, as the saying goes, ‘Cholo’ Simeonegame by game.

But one thing has become clear after the first day of this decaffeinated and unpresentable world Cup Qatari: all the compliments that have been and will be, have been taken by Spain and from all corners of the world. Luis Enrique’s soldiers they scare even the Germans and put the Argentines themselves on their knees (not in prayer, but in devotion), who if they haven’t invented soccer, that’s where they’ll go, they won’t be long.

string of compliments

That cry that Didier Drogba from Ivory Coast, who knows about football for a while because he has played physicist and filigree, goes to mass: “Little joke with Spain!” It is a cry shared by a lot of covers from all over the world. For the ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’: “Exaggerated Spain!” By the Belgian ‘Nieuwsblad’: “Spain plays cat and mouse with Costa Rica”. For ‘Sportske Novosti’ from Croatia: “7 shots 7 goals! An unprecedented spectacle!” By ‘El País Uruguay’: “An unstoppable and scoring fury”. For the funny ‘Record’ of Mexico: “Spain gave a ‘beating’ of scandal to Costa Rica.” Let’s not say the “conquering Spain devastates Costa Rica”, from ‘Le360’, from Morocco, or the “The Invincible Armada of Spain beats Costa Rica 7-0”, from the ‘Dong-A Ilbo’, from Korea. South.

But if someone elevated Pedri, Gavi and company to the altars, it was the Argentine press, which used not only Spain’s historic win but also its approach, strategy and deployment to reassure FIFA, which, according to Juan Manuel Trenado, of ‘La Nación’ is seriously concerned “about the maturity of the business, because, they say, soccer has become a sport for old people”. “And it is that FIFA”, continues Trenado, “does not know how to attract the new generations so that their product is profitable in the future. Young people, they say, can’t stand that much time in front of the television anymore. They plan, they count, changes in the regulations, shorten the 90 minutes, make bigger goals, smaller balls… All kinds of crazy things have been said”. And Trenado proposes the solution: “In one of those, if they take a look at the Spain team, they can begin to find solutions to their business problems.”

‘La Nación’, from Buenos Aires, writes: “Together with ‘dad’ Busquets, two ‘kids’ play, Gavi and Pedri, aged 18 and 19, who, as they say now, are ‘content generators’. They are the matrix of happiness”

The brand new and famous ‘streamer’ Luis Enrique, continues to explain ‘La Nación’, has a midfield where ‘dad’ Busquets, 34, leads two ‘kids’ by the hand, Gavi, 18, and Pedri, out of 19, who are, as modernists now say, “content generators.” For Trenado, everything these children generate “is fun and fresh, the matrix of happiness.”

For the Argentine chronicler, FIFA, then, has to give Spain an opportunity to be the model to follow. Well, we would say, at least after this resounding 7-0 against one of the worst teams in this World Cup. If they give him that opportunity, Trenado explains, “the diffusion will come by word of mouth; It will not be necessary to advertise that football. Nobody can say negative things about this team. It is a wonder. It was when they had to lose to Italy on penalties in the Eurocup semifinals last July, and it was, three months later, when they lost in the Nations League final against France”.

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When looking at Spain, the chronicler says that perfection requires “precision, quality and speed. New blood, fast and effective touch”. And he arrives, of course, the usual comparisons. “This present is so interesting that it drives us to reconsider the past. One day another debate could open up, regarding the global direction of the platform: was Guardiola’s Barcelona or Luis Enrique’s better? Today, the latter would win the CEO of the year award.

P.D.: I don’t want to, because I couldn’t turn off the light on my nightstand in peace, waste this daily letter to you to send you the greatest of hugs, endearing, infinite, enduring over time, to good Oscar García Junyent, who just lost one of his daughters. Pain is the only thing that can’t be measured, that’s why not even billions of hugs like this will serve as consolation for the ‘mister’, but there you have it. Along with all of you, for sure.

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