how much territory did Russia invade, then cede?

by time news

On February 24, 2022, after months of tension between Moscow and kyiv, the Russian army crossed the border from its Ukrainian neighbor to the south, east and north. After a failed offensive on the capital, Russian troops withdrew from the north of the country in early April to focus on its offensive in southern and eastern Ukraine.

Read the decryption: Invasion of Ukraine in maps: the evolution of the fights week by week

At the same time, Moscow changed its war aims, no longer talking so much about “regime change in Kyiv” what of “liberation” of the whole of Donbass – where there are two self-proclaimed pro-Russian republics.

In September, the Armed Forces of Ukraine took over 6,000 km2 in Kharkiv Oblast, in the east of the country. Taking advantage of a weakness in the Russian defense system, kyiv even managed to rout several units, which had to leave equipment behind without even having time to destroy it.

Finally, in early November, the Russians withdrew from the right bank of the Dnieper, where the only regional capital they had conquered, Kherson, which Ukrainian forces entered on 11 November, is located.

Of the observers of the conflict estimate that Russia controlled 25% of Ukrainian territory in March, compared to about 15% currently.

This map shows the territories taken back from Russia since February 24, as well as those that Moscow still occupies in the November 24, 2022after nine months of fighting.

Kiev Kiev Kharkiv Kharkiv Lviv Lviv Sevastopol Sevastopol Odessa Odessa Dnipro Dnipro Chernihiv Chernihiv Mariupol Mariupol Donetsk Donetsk Louhansk Louhansk Brest Brest Kherson Kherson Vinnytsia Vinnytsia Tcherkassy Tcherkassy Soumy Soumy Zaporijia Zaporijia Mykolaïv Mykolaïv Kryvy Rih Kryvy Rih Izioum Izioum Sievierodonetsk Sievierodonetsk Mer Noire Belarus Russia Romania Moldova Ukraine 100 km

Russia and allies

Crimea, annexed since 2014

Territory occupied by Russia

Territory occupied by Russia then taken over by Ukraine

Ukrainian-held city

City conquered by the Russians

Nuclear power plants in operation

Read also: War in Ukraine: the answers of the “World” to your most frequently asked questions

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