How to save French cinema?

by time news

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Declining cinema attendance, competition from streaming platforms… CNC boss Dominique Boutonnat responds to the Point on annoying questions.

Par Christophe Ono-dit-Biot et Jean-Luc Wachthausen

Dominique Boutonnat was appointed by Emmanuel Macron as president of the National Center for Cinema and Animated Image (CNC) in July 2019 and reappointed.
Dominique Boutonnat was appointed by Emmanuel Macron president of the National Center for Cinema and Animated Image (CNC) in July 2019 and renewed.

Reading time: 13 mins

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AWith 7.38 million admissions recorded in September 2022, i.e. -34.3% compared to September 2019, attendance at cinemas has reached its lowest level in France since 1980. The Covid crisis has changed habits of the French, while cinemas are overwhelmed by the number of films showing (from 15 to 18 per week!), competition from streaming platforms continues to rage and young people are increasingly numerous to prefer to their free time on social networks or YouTube. How can French cinema, whose worried professionals convened a general meeting this fall, can it react, which still represents 35 or 40% of the market share, in a context which also sees American blockbusters carve out the lion’s share? …

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