Good for the partnership, bad for the public: this is the only case that interests Netanyahu

by time news

Benjamin Netanyahu is not a dictator. He is an alleged criminal on his way to prison, who leaves in his escape route a government to the right of the Ayatollahs. Apparently he controls the game, in fact the leaders of the factions put him through a series of captivity, including blackmail and threats, knowing clearly that he would rather depend on them than literally depend on the court.

Each faction holds him in his gluttony and gluttony separately, and all of them as one man will run a dictatorship of the majority here. In our case it is worse than the dictatorship of the individual. None of the ministers, not even Netanyahu, will interfere with a minister’s control of his office and budget. All other sectors will be taken care of by God of the opposition. Despite the calls for calm, no one knows what will happen to democracy when the urine rises to the top of the pyramid. The truth: the vast majority of Netanyahu’s coalition supporters live in an intra-tribal dictatorial regime of their leaders and rabbis anyway, and not that today we are a real democracy.

Due to the urgency of Netanyahu’s trial schedule, he was easily pressured and blackmailed. As usual, he wanted to close a case in a blitz – and left the BTP in the hands of Itamar Ben Gabir. A large part of the left bought with a sigh of relief his Cheshire smile without realizing that the BTP minister has his own armed militia, the Mageb, which will become the private militia of the settlers. As in Alice in Wonderland, Ben Gvir’s Cheshire smile will hang in the air when the cat disappears to hunt mice.

In controlling the security system, Netanyahu had to decide between Biden, the IDF, and the security system, and Bezalel Smotrich, a verbal shooting machine devoid of hope. The media wondered if he was qualified to be defense minister with arguments of professionalism and ideology, when the problem is clearly mental. As someone who understands that he does not have A chance to please Smotrich, Netanyahu initially scattered hints that he was considering taking the Ministry of Defense as well in the first stage. Smotrich ignored and scattered his electronic chaff as someone who would break the tools if he did not get the Ministry of Defense. A clear signal from the US, hidden signals from The IDF and the security establishment and a media onslaught (this time in the right direction) thwarted the appointment.

During the battle for the nomination, the smooch was interviewed by Channel 7 and boasted: “I will have a lot of sub-champions and religious champions to appoint.” This is about poisoning the IDF and the entire system. It’s about the fabric of the sensitive and charged relationships between contenders who work together for a position at the top of the pyramid, whether it’s in a company, a brigade or a wing. Just for this crazy smugness, the appointment should have been prevented from the little fool who threw this stone. In fact, prevent Any appointment.

By and large, they are currently talking about the assimilation of Halacha laws into state laws and the determination of the ultra-Orthodox. The beginning was in May 1948. Ben-Gurion announced the establishment of the state. The battles are in progress all over the country. The Jewish quarter in Jerusalem surrendered to the Jordanian army. In June 1948, the IDF broke the siege of Jerusalem and established itself on the western side. On June 26, 1948, when the fighting was in full swing, an ultra-orthodox demonstration was held in Jerusalem against the desecration of the Sabbath by IDF soldiers. The demonstration was dispersed by force. The army clarified that “the military traffic that passed on Saturday on Geula Street and Mea Shearim is essential.”

Since then, throwing stones, burning “frogs” and chants of “Shabes” have been added to the Shabbat struggles, which were received by the secular public more as an exotic phenomenon than a threat to the state’s identity.

Knesset members from the Netanyahu bloc (Photo: Yonatan Zindel Flash 90)

Bibistan bubble

The key to the change was the rise of Begin and the connection with the Zionist MPDL, at the same time as the demographic jump of the traditionalists and Mizrahi who defected from Mapai and the formation to Likud. Under pressure, the Shabbat law became protected by municipal bylaws. Since each municipality has its own public, enforcement chaos prevailed. What is allowed in Tel Aviv is worth a report and beatings in Jerusalem.

Since then, there have been muscle demonstrations by the religious sector, both on the street and in the Knesset, and in all areas of life, from birth to grave. The Hill Boys, who started as wild fringe youth, were joined by ultra-Orthodox and wayward people all over the country, and towards the last elections they became a symbol of an anti-establishment revolution, which called for the club to be burned down. The meaning of the joining of the settlers and the ultra-Orthodox to the government is that the religion unfolds legally and constitutionally, as part of the coalition agreement.

The accompanying meaning is that the composition of the government faithfully reflects both its voters and the composition of the Israeli elite: autocracy, theocracy and plutocracy, with a heavy fear of militarism. Or in spoken Hebrew, the creeping dictatorship of the religious-nationalist right serves messianic rabbis, reckless generals, tycoons for whom God is their dollar, and politicians of the three heads.

Netanyahu, by the way, is not the classic dictator, he is the Bibi ba puppet of the leaders of the sectors who give him a free hand in every issue and matter, except for their part of God. On the part of his partners, let him suffocate or enjoy himself in an economic cloud of cigars and pink bubbles of champagne. They have their own country and next to it is the Bibistan bubble, where Netanyahu plays in navigating the stormy waters of foreign affairs and security.

Netanyahu’s significant bonus in the position of Prime Minister is the environment of admiration to which he has become addicted and which he needs. Human nature means that even if you know that the buzz around you is flattery and not necessarily true love or friendship, you are still allowed to enjoy it. And the flickering eyes begging for Netanyahu’s caress are the proof The animal. Not to mention mingling with world-class people and small talk with the wings of history.

So, with the exception of the Ministry of Justice, no case really interests Netanyahu. It is said that Levin’s opponent is supposed to build a legal structure that will rescue Netanyahu. Maybe they will bring up the crime of fraud and breach of trust, maybe they will bring up the prosecutor’s office, for sure they will bring up the truth. It is said that the foreign minister will be Ron Dermer. The former ambassador to Washington who served Netanyahu and the evangelical case and is denounced by most American Jews and the Biden administration. In an interview with Ben Shapiro’s podcast, Dermer complained that Biden was blocking an Israeli military move. “He had to act,” Dermer practiced a diplomatic lie in an interview.

From Netanyahu’s point of view, the finance minister is the man who will quarrel with the finance officials and the mayors, and in any case the bear’s skin is already divided in the coalition agreements. So Smotrich will push another billion to the settlers, the main thing is that the ricochets of the victims of the expected inflation will not hurt Netanyahu.

Lapid’s idea of ​​conducting a “respectable” parliamentary struggle against the dictatorial bloc is a vain idea. The opposition struggle must be conducted in squares, bridges and intersections. The street will speak. The confrontation will be against the “security forces” and the legal systems that will protect the order. the right-wing agenda. Only if the parliamentary opposition rises up, goes down to the street and lives in it, will it justify its existence.

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