His motion well ahead, Marine Tondelier very close to taking the lead of the party

by time news

The vote for environmentalists was unambiguous on Saturday. Unsurprisingly, Marine Tondelier is on track to become the next head of Europe Ecology the Greens, with 46.97% of the votes of members collected on her motion “La Suite”, according to partial results communicated Saturday evening by management. The members also elected the members of the future federal council, the party parliament, and the 400 delegates who will formally appoint the new national secretary during a “federal congress” scheduled for December 10 in Rungis, in Val-de-Marne. .

At the end of a “decentralized” congress in the regions, the first phase of a vote to appoint the future national secretary from among six candidates in the running, the ecologist members placed this elected representative of Hénin-Beaumont in the Pas -de-Calais. She was considered the favorite and represented the outgoing leadership, notably supported by former national secretary Julien Bayou.

The left of the party considers its score “disappointing”

According to partial results (90% of the regions stripped, according to management), his challenger Sophie Bussiere, supported by Yannick Jadot, comes in second place with 18.07% of the vote. Melissa Camara, supported by eco-feminist deputy Sandrine Rousseau and part of the party’s left wing, obtained 13.54%, a “disappointing” score for Alain Coulombel, leader of the party’s left.

Three other candidates, with more confidential motions, each obtained less than 10%: the former regional candidate in Brittany Claire Desmares-Poirrier collected 9.6%, the head of elections Hélène Hardy 6.59%, and the member of the executive office Géraldine Boyer, 4.34%.

Objective: “to get out of internal clashes”

“Never has an environmental congress given such a clear orientation in view of the gap that separates “La Suite” from the other lists. This is a historic score, ”welcomed Marine Tondelier in a press release. However, to govern the party, it is necessary to have 60% of the seats in the Federal Council, which should force it to form alliances with other lists in the next 15 days.

“The question is not whether Marine Tondelier will be the national secretary. She will be. But the question is whether it will be able to make the enlargement to obtain a majority” and be able to govern, analyzes a connoisseur of the movement. By this score, the members expressed “the will that are held from January, throughout France, general states of ecology, which prepare and lead to our refoundation, for a great movement of political ecology “, added Marine Tondelier. She also wants to “gather a million environmental sympathizers by the end of this term” and “get out of internal clashes”.

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