aid will be 50 to 200 euros per household, announces Attal

by time news

The check, which will benefit 2.6 million households, will be available online from December 22.

Three weeks ago, the National Assembly adopted an envelope of 230 million euros for households that use logs or pellets for their heating, these cylindrical sticks whose prices are exploding. Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, clarified the outlines: the aid, which will range from 50 to 200 euros, will benefit French people who earn up to 2260 euros per month for a single person and up to 4750 euros for a couple with two children. That is 2.6 million households in total. “The box office will open on December 22. All you have to do is connect to the website and enter your teleregistrant number and your invoice.“, details the minister in The Parisian . Depending on the species and the degree of humidity of the wood, the cost of a log per kilowatt hour (kWh) is around 0.038 euro. Far from gas prices, around 0.0880 euro per kWh, and very far from the regulated price of electricity sold by EDF at 0.174 euro per kWh.

The Minister, wishing to address “working France, which gets up every morning“, asserted “to assume [son] attachment to concentrating efforts on the middle classes». «French people who work, or who want to work, must be our priorityadds Gabriel Attal. A reference to the famous formula pronounced by former President Nicolas Sarkozy:France that gets up early».

A plan against tax and social fraud

The former government spokesperson also announced that he will present “early 2023» a plan on tax and social fraud. “As of next year, we will be able to automatically withdraw the VAT number of a fraudulent company. And we are making progress on the electronic invoicing project which will be implemented from July 2024 for large companies and in the following years for others.“, details Gabriel Attal who recalls that VAT fraud is estimated at around 20 billion euros per year, according to INSEE. Regarding social fraud, allowances can no longer be paid into foreign bank accounts, from July 1, 2023. “These payments represent 150 million euros over 5 years“, specifies the minister.

SEE ALSO – According to the energy policeman, “there is no reason for us to have difficulties with gas this winter”

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