Seconds before the train arrived: a dramatic rescue from the ‘underground’ of New York

by time news

The New York Police released footage from the body cameras of officers who helped a man who fell onto the subway tracks in Manhattan • The man accidentally fell onto the tracks and was injured – and the two officers were helped by another citizen to bring the injured onto the platform – seconds before the train entered the station

Dramatic rescue: Two officers from the New York Police Department’s 25th Precinct who were conducting a routine platform check Thursday evening were called after a man fell onto the train tracks of a platform at the opposite station.

The years started running fast and managed to rescue him, along with another citizen who went down to the track – seconds before the train arrived.

According to the testimony of people on the platform, the man fell onto the track by accident, injured his hands and back and therefore could not get out on his own.

In the video from the officers’ body camera released by the New York Police Commissioner, the officers are seen running to the scene and using another citizen to bring the injured man onto the platform, and to extricate themselves from the tracks before the train arrived at the station.


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