Wassenaarders.nl | This week in the Voorschoten-Wassenaar library

by time news

There is a lot to do in the library this week and in the coming period.

This week in the Voorschoten Library

Date Commencement time Activity / Consultation hour
Tue 26 Nov 10.00 Digital Consultation Hour
Tue 26 Nov 10.00 Form Brigade
Tue 29 Nov 19.00 Healthy, Well & Being: The healing power of family constellations
Wed 30 Nov 2.30 pm Read aloud
Thu 01 Dec 10.00 a.m. Language consultation hour
Fri 02 Dec 13.00 Taalcafé
Fri 02 Dec 13.30 Financial Information Point (FIP)
Sun 04 Dec 13-16.00 Voorschoten Library open
Mon 05 Dec Library open until 4 pm

This week in Wassenaar Library
Date Commencement time Activity / Consultation hour
Sat Nov 26 10:30 am Read aloud
Sat 26 Nov 10.00 Antiquarian Bougainville / HIP Office hours
Tue 29 Nov 14.00 Digital consultation hour
Wed 30 Nov 19.00 Healthy, Well & Being: The healing power of family constellations
Thu 01 Dec 10.00 a.m. Language consultation hour
Fri 02 Dec 13.00 Taalcafé
Fri 02 Dec 14.00 Games afternoon ‘Palaver’ for the elderly
Sat 03 Dec 10.30 am Read aloud
Sat 03 Dec 10.00 HIP Consultation hour
Mon 05 Dec Library open until 4 pm

Zen in December: Children’s Yoga

Also so busy this period? Take a rest! In the festive month of December in which children are often extra busy and there are many impressions to process, we try to create a moment of rest. An hour in which children can be themselves and are made aware of their body and thoughts.
Library Voorschoten Wed 7 December

2pm – 5-7 years & 3pm – 8-10 years
Library Wassenaar Sat 10 December

10.30am – 5-7 years & 11.30am – 8-10 years
Participation € 6.50, Tickets via obvw.nl/jeugd

Miriam Lucia: From writing competition to publication

Colleague and author Miriam Lucia explains what participating in writing competitions can lead to. Several short stories have been published in short story collections. At the end of October 2020, her winning thriller novel ‘David and Sara’ appeared in the 4-in-1 book ‘Black Snow’, at Godijn Publishing. In March 2022 she strengthened her name with ‘The Necklace’, from the writing competition with the theme ‘Fatal Encounter’. Later this year she was allowed to sign another author’s contract. Last September was followed by the launch of ‘The corpse in the library’. This feel-good detective is the first part of a series starring librarian Ilona Wachters.

Where and how does she prefer to write and where does Miriam find her inspiration? Come talk to her about her writing adventures. Maybe you want a (fictional) role in a next part?

Sat 10 December 14.30 in Wassenaar Library

Sun 18 December 13.30 in the Voorschoten Library

Sign up for free at obvw.nl/activities

Lecture Infections: worth knowing about how viruses work
It’s the season: a cough and a runny nose ‘was part of it’ but are quickly exciting in the current time. Our health is important to us, how can we influence this ourselves? Because what is a virus, and how does an infection work?
Lex van der Kooij, physiotherapist/teacher and member of the Voorschoten prevention agreement tells all about it during his lecture with a lot of information about how a virus works and what we ourselves can do to minimize the chance that a virus will infect us. .
Sun 11 December 2 pm in the Voorschoten Library

Order your tickets via obvw.nl/activities

Give or give as a gift: Comic Strip Writing Workshop
Soon we will have a super cool workshop for all young people who love comic strips and for those who didn’t know that yet.
Esther Holtkamp has been an editor at Donald Duck Weekblad for many years and explains how a comic strip is made in Donald Duck and how you too can make a comic strip. For example, do you have to be very good at drawing to make a comic strip? (Answer: no!)
Of course you will also get started with making your own comic strip. We are curious about the results!

Tue 6 December 4 pm in Wassenaar Library
Tue 20 December 4 pm in the Voorschoten Library
Age 7 – 12 years | € 7.50 p.p
Tickets via obvw.nl/jeugd

Film house Wassenaar
Tickets at the counter or via obvw.nl/filmhuis.


Sara arrives on the island of Stromboli with a suitcase full of vodka and an exhausted heart. She ends up at a retreat where, together with a colorful group of other wandering souls, she confronts the demons from her past under the guidance of the charismatic guru Jens.

Date Start Time Movie
zo 27 nov 15.00 uur Tutankhamun: The Last Exhibition
ma 28 nov 20.00 uur Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
di 29 nov 14.00 uur Good Luck to You, Leo Grande
Wed 30 Nov 2 pm De Club van Sinterklaas and the Race against the Clock
w 30 nov 20.00 uur Passengers of the Night
Thu 1 Dec 1.30 pm Film club
vr 2 dec 20.00 uur Good Luck to You, Leo Grande
za 3 dec 20.00 uur Tutankhamun: The Last Exhibition
Sun 4 Dec 12.30 The Club of Sinterklaas and the Race against the Clock

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