What types of cholesterol are there? | The doctor

by time news

What types of cholesterol are there? What are the types of endogenous and exogenous cholesterol? What is the good type of cholesterol and what is it good for? And what is the type of LDL bad cholesterol and how does it affect our body? Below is a detailed list of cholesterol types.

What types of cholesterol are there? What are the types of endogenous and exogenous cholesterol? Photo: Pixabay Hoaluu

With regard to LDL cholesterol, i.e. bad and harmful cholesterol – the normal levels are levels of 100 milligrams per deciliter and less. When it comes to general cholesterol, the normal levels are up to 200 milligrams per deciliter. On the other hand, when cholesterol values ​​in general reach 200 to 240 mg per dL, this is considered a borderline to dangerous value. While the values ​​of the general type of cholesterol are 240 mg per deciliter, this is considered a dangerous value. Regarding the type of good cholesterol – a value of over 40 mg per deciliter in men – this is a normal level. And when it is 50 mg per deciliter in women, it is a normal level .

More on cholesterol:

What types of cholesterol are there?

What types of cholesterol are there and what are the differences between them? What cholesterol is created in the body and what is the cholesterol we consume from food? And what are the differences between LDH and LDL cholesterol types?

1. Bad cholesterol – LDL – Low-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol. This type of cholesterol is the bad LDL cholesterol. This cholesterol is harmful to our body due to the narrowing of arteries and the formation of sclerosis leading to heart attacks and strokes and cardiovascular diseases.

2. Good cholesterol – HDL High-Density Lipoprotein. This type of cholesterol is a non-dangerous and even beneficial substance in our body. Good cholesterol is called HDL. The higher its level, the healthier it is for our body.

3. Exogenous cholesterol – Cholesterol that originates outside the body. That is, cholesterol created due to external – nutritional factors. For example due to eating animal fats.

4. Endogenous cholesterol – Cholesterol that the body produces in the liver cells. Endogenous cholesterol formed in the body from various factors such as excess carbohydrates, constitutes between 70 and 80 percent of the cholesterol formed in our body.

Types of cholesterol and their treatment

The different types of cholesterol in the body are created as a result of different factors. As mentioned, exogenous cholesterol is caused by the absorption of dietary cholesterol. For example, consumption of oils and fats such as margarine and butter, fried food, sugary foods such as cakes and candies, high-fat food such as hamburger or Burkes, hearts or caviar, or cream cheese.

Therefore, a nutritional menu that ensures controlled consumption of foods high in exogenous cholesterol can help reduce cholesterol. This is alongside being careful to avoid consuming foods and substances such as cholesterol, performing regular physical activity and maintaining a normal body weight alongside diagnosis and treatment of diseases and medical conditions such as unbalanced diabetes.

In contrast, 70-80 percent of the cholesterol in the body is created as a result of self-production of endogenous cholesterol. This type of cholesterol is created in the liver due to various factors such as excess carbohydrates in the blood, diseases such as kidney disease and other factors.

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